Saturday, 15 November 2014

20 Questions To Show Your Level Of Care You Have For Your Spouse

Again in this direction I want to put down some questions that will guide you in ascertaining the level of care you have for your spouse.

First of all let us consider the act of hugging and pecking which demonstrates the level of intimacy by spouses and also a sign of love and care.

1. When last did you hug your spouse?
2. Do you care if your spouse had a good working day or not?
3. Do you care how the business went and things like that?
4. Do you ask sincerely if he/she had a nice lunch time out?
5. Who wakes each other at the braking of a new day?
6. Who prepares the breakfast/dinner?
7. Who washes the clothes? Who prepares the loges for that journey?
8. What role do you play when there is a new-born baby?
9. Who takes the kids to the school and see to it that their home works are done?
10. What do you do when things did not go the way they ought to?
11. What are your contributions to the welfare of the family?
12. In times of weakness what do you do?
13. How would you react if your spouse wet the bed in the night?
14. What if you suspect your spouse is cheating on you, how will you handle such a situation?
15. Do you share each other's emotional challenges?
16. What do you do when your spouse is sick?
17. Your spouse did not get that expected job/contract. What do you do?
18. The babies did not come as expected after marriage. How do you handle that?
19. How would you treat your spouse in the case of a silly mistake?
20. If your spouse is dull at comprehending issues, what would you do?

I am so certain that if you give answers to these questions and check out your relationship with your spouse, you must have figured out how close you are to your spouse. You will also be able to know if there is anything you need to fix in place to have a close relationship with your spouse.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

2 Ways To Get Her Back After You Broke Her Heart

When you know that you were the one who got dumped, it is more difficult to learn how to win her back. But to learn this process when you know that you ended the relationship can sometimes be a lot harder. You hurt her deeply by ending everything between the two of you. You don't have any choice at this kind of situation but to make it up to her that is if you want any shot at a second chance.

2 Ways To Get Her Back After You Broke Her Heart
2 Ways To Get Her Back After You Broke Her Heart

Bear in mind that the most important thing is here security.
As you begin to understand the process on how to win her back after you hurt and broker her heart, the single most important thing that you have to be mindful of is her sense of security. By breaking up with her, you ruined that and now you are responsible for restoring that. How you are going to go through this will largely depend on the kind of girl that you have. There are a few things still that you can do in convincing her that you're not leaving her again.

Among the few things that go with this process includes letting her know why you dumped her in the first place. Be honest and open. Remember that at this point what you are going to tell her is perhaps the lesser evil than what she is running through her mind. The next thing that you can do for her is to sincerely and genuinely give her compliments. Empty compliments will only call for empty results.

Also, you should be affectionate towards her and we're not talking about the "s.e.x" word around here. Rather, kiss her in the cheeks, hold her hand, you can also offer to rub her feet when she feels exhausted and tired from a hard day at work. And lastly, talk about the future like you and her have a clue. It makes things more romantic and eases her sense of security that there is a future for the both of you together. It is after all a good way to convince your ex-girlfriend that you are in it for the long haul, rather than just saying it until something better comes your way.

Stop any bad habit.
At this point, you must veer away from any habits that might lead her to the conclusion that you're going to cheat or stray. Unless you are complaining about all the women at your work, don't talk about them while the two of you are out on a date. Stop ogling with girls at the gym. Don't try to flirt with the sexy waitresses at your favorite pub. If you honestly want to get her back and keep her for good this time, this shouldn't be a daunting task at all. If she asks you about how your day went, give her an answer that's satisfying not the single-word-and-nothing-follows answer (you get what I mean). Whenever you ask something about her, listen to her answer intently and genuinely.

Mend your ways for her.
In every relationship, including those who are merrily married, has couples who have things that they want to change about their partner. A wife might want his husband to not spend so much on cars or gadgets. A husband may like it if his wife would not splurge too much on shopping. You know, whatever flaw you have like the ones that your girl would like if you changed - fix them.

Quit smoking if she hated that you do that. If she thinks that you're overworking, why not start coming home a little bit early. If she's a daredevil and has always wanted to do those adventures with her but you kept on refusing, go and sign yourselves up for a bungee jumping date. I can go on and on with a honeydew list that might be as long as the Eiffel tower to complete. But doing things that she liked conveys her the message that you are willing to exert all the effort to patch things up.

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Saturday, 8 November 2014

3 Very Common Reasons Why a Man Will Cheat!

3 Very Common Reasons Why a Man Will Cheat!

Are you asking yourself, why does he cheat on me, hoping to find the answer that will solve your problem? They estimate that 60 percent of all married men will wind up having sex with someone who is not their wife at some point, and one can only speculate that the percentage must be near that in non marriages... so it may make you wonder if there is anything that you can do differently so that he won't cheat on you. In some situations, that may be true, and in others, it has very little to do with you.

If we were to look at things in great detail, we would find a wide array for reasons why men cheat in relationships. However, in the space of this article, we will take a much broader look. Cheating may happen from time to time in a relationship, but it does not have to happen and when it does... it does not have to be the end of the relationship. You do have to find out why he is running around behind your back, though.

Here are 3 common reasons why men cheat:

1) He needs to constantly feed his ego.
The male ego comes into play quite often when it comes to cheating, and some guys seem to need their ego more than others. Because this is HIS ego that is driving him to cheat, this is one of those situations where it really has very little to do with you. Some men never learn ways to raise their self esteem other than going out and getting it boosted by women. When it is his ego that causes him to cheat, you may want to consider ending the relationship, because he will probably do it again and again... unless he finds a new way to feed his ego.

2) There is something missing in the relationship and he does not know how to communicate this with you.
Sometimes a relationship does not feel "whole" to a guy, and instead of communicating the way that he feels with you... he feels that it is easier to try to fill that whole with another woman. In this situation, you can prevent him from cheating IF you are able to get him to deal with the relationship issues within the confines of the relationship and not by looking outside of it.

3) He cheats because he knows that he can.
This may not sound like the way it is supposed to be, but that does not mean that this is not the reason why some guys cheat. Some guys do it just because they can. If he knows that you will forgive him, act like it is not happening, or that you just expect that to be what he is going to do... then you need to put an end to that and make him realize that he does not have permission to cheat on you.

For more details on how to Catch a Cheating Partner, then you want to:
Click Here
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Wednesday, 5 November 2014

6 Good Reasons Why Women Cheat!

Usually many people ask themselves "Why do women cheat on their boyfriends and husbands?" Actually, many individuals do think that men are the only people who cheat on their partners. Yes, it is common to hear of cheating men but women are also capable of having extramarital affairs just like men.

In fact, nowadays many women cheat on their husbands. If you suspect that she is cheating on you, then it is upon you to take a step and find out the truth. You need not only to find the truth but also to find out what is making her to cheat on you.

It is very difficult to come up with an answer when it comes to determining the reasons why a spouse is cheating. This is because unfaithful partners cheat for many different reasons. However, just because one woman is cheating, it doesn't mean that all women are unfaithful to their boyfriends or husbands.

Six Reasons Why Women Cheat

Although it is difficult to come up with a single obvious reason, there are some common reasons that will make a woman to cheat in a relationship. These reasons can make you to understand why your girlfriend or wife is cheating on you. These reasons are discussed below.

1.) Unfulfilled Desire

When it comes to being romantic, are you able to fulfill her? Your romantic preferences may differ with your woman's preference and this could make her not to be fulfilled. Have you ever asked your girlfriend or wife what she likes when it comes to showing her love?
Don't forget that your wife or girlfriend has sexual needs. If your romantic life is decreasing, boring or dull, there are high chances that she will cheat on you. The reason why she could be cheating on you is to fulfill her romantic desires and fantasies that you are not able to fulfill.
Therefore, unfulfilled romantic desires and fantasies will make some women to cheat in a relationship.

2.) To End a Relationship

Few years ago, ways of ending a relationship was as easy as writing a simple breakup note or making a phone call. Nowadays, the way of ending a relationship is taking another turn as such cheating seems to be the easiest alternative. Many women are using cheating as an excuse to get out of a relationship.

Most women fear the kind of negative response they will receive when trying to breakup with a husband or boyfriend. One of the fears they have is their partners being violent. Women will cheat intentionally so that they are caught by their boyfriends or husbands relying on the fact that there is no man who will stomach with a woman who is cheating thus ending the relationship.
If you have noticed that your girlfriend or wife is cheating on you, there are high chances that she is trying to end the relationship.

3.) To Feel Young

It is well known that women fear aging. Some women decide to have an affair instead of starting a weight loss plan. In such situations, the affair is typically short and it may even be a one night stand. All they want from the affair is to feel young and appreciated something which they lack in their legal relationship.

Learn the best ways to catch a Cheating Spouse / Lover: Click HERE

4) Convenience

Another reason why women cheat on their boyfriends or husbands is for convenience reasons. There are men who do not show appreciation by complimenting their wives or girlfriends for their effort of making themselves attractive.

For example, many women will not turn down an offer from a man who gives them attention at workplace. In such incidences, the woman will not see a reason to turn down the offer of a man who is appreciating her beauty something which does not happen in here relationship with her boyfriend or husband. Some women will go for any man willing to provide them with passion and expresses admiration by complimenting them on how sexy they are dressed.

5.) Habitually Cheating

There are some women who are not able to control their unfaithfulness. They habitually cheat on their boyfriends or husbands. They get caught up and ask for forgiveness only later on to cheat again and again.

6.) Revenge

If a woman finds out that her boyfriend or husband is cheating, she may decide to revenge also by cheating. Therefore, some women will cheat in a relationship to revenge on their unfaithful men.
The question "why do women cheat?" is now answered after reading this article. If you suspect that your girlfriend or wife is cheating, you should find out the truth and thereafter you may choose to save or end the relationship.

Author of this article is Daisy Bruce.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Why Do Women Cheat? And How They Justify It!

Why Do Women Cheat?
Why Do Women Cheat?

So why do women cheat? One very obvious reason is because they are also human. They have their weakness and their imperfections. Sometimes they get tired of the relationship. Sometimes it is because the relationship is not going well at all. They can be tempted to have affairs with another person because they want something that the current relationship doesn't give them.

These are the reasons of why do women cheat on their partners. Some women are also treated harshly by their husbands, whether in words or by physical abuse. Women often seek the love of another person because they are hurt and they can't stand this kind of treatment. Another reason why women cheat is because they feel that their partner is growing distant and the relationship turns cold and tries to seek attention and love with another.

Others justify cheating because their partners also cheated on them and view the affair as some kind of revenge to their unfaithful husbands. Some women find comfort in having affairs because they feel that their partners suddenly changed and that the relationship will also fall apart. Some women also have ideas to experiment and feel like the relationship is becoming boring and predictable. Others just can't stick to one person and feels the need to have affairs with other people as part of their interpersonal natures. Some accidentally fall in love with another person and is too afraid to leave their husbands that's why they settle for an affair.

Cheating is a very complex subject and the reasons behind it are not always justifiable and understandable, often times they are more upsetting and hurtful. The only certain thing is that there is always a reason behind it and if the cheated party tries to understand this reason he will find out that it is not always entirely the fault of the woman. They both made mistakes and they both need to change some things in their lives or in their personalities.

Do You Ever Picture Your Spouse Cheating Again?