Saturday, 8 November 2014

3 Very Common Reasons Why a Man Will Cheat!

3 Very Common Reasons Why a Man Will Cheat!

Are you asking yourself, why does he cheat on me, hoping to find the answer that will solve your problem? They estimate that 60 percent of all married men will wind up having sex with someone who is not their wife at some point, and one can only speculate that the percentage must be near that in non marriages... so it may make you wonder if there is anything that you can do differently so that he won't cheat on you. In some situations, that may be true, and in others, it has very little to do with you.

If we were to look at things in great detail, we would find a wide array for reasons why men cheat in relationships. However, in the space of this article, we will take a much broader look. Cheating may happen from time to time in a relationship, but it does not have to happen and when it does... it does not have to be the end of the relationship. You do have to find out why he is running around behind your back, though.

Here are 3 common reasons why men cheat:

1) He needs to constantly feed his ego.
The male ego comes into play quite often when it comes to cheating, and some guys seem to need their ego more than others. Because this is HIS ego that is driving him to cheat, this is one of those situations where it really has very little to do with you. Some men never learn ways to raise their self esteem other than going out and getting it boosted by women. When it is his ego that causes him to cheat, you may want to consider ending the relationship, because he will probably do it again and again... unless he finds a new way to feed his ego.

2) There is something missing in the relationship and he does not know how to communicate this with you.
Sometimes a relationship does not feel "whole" to a guy, and instead of communicating the way that he feels with you... he feels that it is easier to try to fill that whole with another woman. In this situation, you can prevent him from cheating IF you are able to get him to deal with the relationship issues within the confines of the relationship and not by looking outside of it.

3) He cheats because he knows that he can.
This may not sound like the way it is supposed to be, but that does not mean that this is not the reason why some guys cheat. Some guys do it just because they can. If he knows that you will forgive him, act like it is not happening, or that you just expect that to be what he is going to do... then you need to put an end to that and make him realize that he does not have permission to cheat on you.

For more details on how to Catch a Cheating Partner, then you want to:
Click Here
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