Tuesday, 9 September 2014

3 Tips For Fixing A Broken Heart

When you commit yourself into a relationship, you probably wouldn't have expected that, one day, you would need tips for fixing a broken heart. We all want a blissful relationship with our partner, yet in reality, when the relationship ends in a break up, we want to grab onto anything to mend our broken heart. I am here to walk through this journey with you. Thus, here are 3 tips to help you.

Tip #1: Understand What A Heartbreak Means
Before starting to repair the damages done to your heart, you have to understand what a heartbreak means. Many people fail in their process of mending their broken heart because they only know how they feel about the heartache. The key to successfully nursing and healing a heartbreak, is to understand what a heartbreak means.

Ask yourself, do you feel overwhelmed with mixed feelings of - despair,
  • anger,
  • sadness,
  • shame,
  • loss,
  • disappointment,
  • regret, etc?
List them down onto a notepad. This notepad, filled with deepest emotions, will help you to see which areas you have to work on to make yourself feel better. Once this list is up, start to work on them individually. Every time you complete a task, strike them out to let yourself know how much you have progressed and healed.
Note: Don't be afraid to list down your negative emotions. Be truthful about it. It is natural to feel all these negative feelings because when a relationship breaks up, you not only lose the company of someone you love and care about, you also lose a sense of security of your future. So start listing them down now.

Tip #2: Give Yourself Some Time To Come To Terms With The Break Up
Allowing yourself to mourn the loss of a beloved relationship, will help you a great deal in fixing your broken heart. I must bring to your attention that grief rarely comes all at once - because your body and mind will only give you what you can handle.
This means you may feel vengeful or frightened for awhile, and as you recover and may start to feel that it can return in the form of sadness or insecurity. Rest assured that your subconscious is intuitively doing this to protect you from being too overwhelmed, and that your behavior is normal.

Tip #3: Give Your Body What It Needs To Carry On Fighting For Your Happiness
In the beginning, you can become distracted by your painful emotions and neglect the voice from your body. Still, it is crucial, when you are healing from heartbreak, that you become aware of how inter-related your feelings and body state are. So it pays to treat your body with love and care, during this exhausting time of your life. You can indulge in your senses by...
  1. Visiting an art gallery or looking at nature;
  2. Listening to your favorite music artiste;
  3. Purchasing a new scent that makes you feel happy;
  4. Going to a cloth shop and touch different kinds of luxurious materials like suede, leather, silk, fur, etc;
  5. Focusing all your attention on how good your favorite food tastes.
It is crucial to give your body what it needs to continue fighting for your happiness. Because this journey of fixing a broken heart might require some time before it can come to effect.