AYANNA Dookie thought her boyfriend of three years was the perfect guy — until she Googled his name.
The 33-year-old stand-up comedian, from Brooklyn, revealed to the New York Post how she discovered that not only was her partner cheating on her, he was also a cold-blooded killer.
Ms Dookie said she was immediately smitten with her boyfriend, Spike, after the pair first met at a party.
“When I met Spike in 2004 at the age of 24, I’d never had a real boyfriend,” she said.
“I’d had countless one-night stands and ‘uhhh, it’s complicated’ situations, but never anyone steady.
when I met Spike at a party and we went out once and then started
dating, I couldn’t believe my luck.
He was the boyfriend I’d been
craving for years.”
While things were going well, Ms Dookie began to notice signs that things weren’t quite right.
a year into the relationship, a girl I’d never met before took me aside
at a party and said, ‘I know where I know your boyfriend from.’ The
implication was that she’d seen him with another woman.
“Without missing a beat, I said, ‘I don’t want to know,’ and walked away.
“What was important to me was that I had a man. So what if there were other girls?”
Dookie added she was “fine living my life in denial” — until she
received a fateful text message from a friend, three years into her
relationship with Spike.
Comedian Ayanna Dookie discovered her boyfriend was a cheater and a killer.
“So sorry about what happened,” the text read.
“What are you talking about?” Ms Dookie replied.
“Just Google Spike’s real name,” was all her friend would say.
Ms Dookie booted up her computer and typed in the name of her boyfriend.
“I froze as I read the chilling words — it said he was ‘being held for the murder of his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend’,” she said.
didn’t make any sense. I was Spike’s girlfriend. I didn’t even have any
ex-boyfriends. The reporter must have made a mistake.
“But it
turned out that the news story was correct. Spike had allegedly killed
his girlfriend’s former lover. Except the girlfriend wasn’t me.
“Of all the ways to find out that your boyfriend is cheating on you, this one took the cake.”
turned out one of the women Spike was cheating with had a “crazy
ex-boyfriend” who broke into the house one night when Spike was staying
There was a fight between the two men, and Spike shot the ex-boyfriend eight times, killing him.
the time, it was devastating — not because what happened confirmed that
Spike was cheating, but because my boyfriend was locked in jail on
$US100,000 bail,” Ms Dookie told the New York Post.
first, to the disgust of my friends, I decided to stand by my man. But a
couple of weeks later I had a wake-up call. Did I value myself so
little that I was going to play the part of the loyal girlfriend when he
had treated me so badly?
“I never contacted Spike again, but I
heard through the grapevine that his lawyers were able to get him off on
grounds of self-defence.
“Now, I can’t believe that I once
suffered from such lack of self-esteem. Today, I have a steady
boyfriend, but I don’t need a boyfriend to define me. In many ways,
Spike did me a favour.”
SOURCE: http://www.theaustralian.com.au