Saturday, 15 November 2014

20 Questions To Show Your Level Of Care You Have For Your Spouse

Again in this direction I want to put down some questions that will guide you in ascertaining the level of care you have for your spouse.

First of all let us consider the act of hugging and pecking which demonstrates the level of intimacy by spouses and also a sign of love and care.

1. When last did you hug your spouse?
2. Do you care if your spouse had a good working day or not?
3. Do you care how the business went and things like that?
4. Do you ask sincerely if he/she had a nice lunch time out?
5. Who wakes each other at the braking of a new day?
6. Who prepares the breakfast/dinner?
7. Who washes the clothes? Who prepares the loges for that journey?
8. What role do you play when there is a new-born baby?
9. Who takes the kids to the school and see to it that their home works are done?
10. What do you do when things did not go the way they ought to?
11. What are your contributions to the welfare of the family?
12. In times of weakness what do you do?
13. How would you react if your spouse wet the bed in the night?
14. What if you suspect your spouse is cheating on you, how will you handle such a situation?
15. Do you share each other's emotional challenges?
16. What do you do when your spouse is sick?
17. Your spouse did not get that expected job/contract. What do you do?
18. The babies did not come as expected after marriage. How do you handle that?
19. How would you treat your spouse in the case of a silly mistake?
20. If your spouse is dull at comprehending issues, what would you do?

I am so certain that if you give answers to these questions and check out your relationship with your spouse, you must have figured out how close you are to your spouse. You will also be able to know if there is anything you need to fix in place to have a close relationship with your spouse.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

2 Ways To Get Her Back After You Broke Her Heart

When you know that you were the one who got dumped, it is more difficult to learn how to win her back. But to learn this process when you know that you ended the relationship can sometimes be a lot harder. You hurt her deeply by ending everything between the two of you. You don't have any choice at this kind of situation but to make it up to her that is if you want any shot at a second chance.

2 Ways To Get Her Back After You Broke Her Heart
2 Ways To Get Her Back After You Broke Her Heart

Bear in mind that the most important thing is here security.
As you begin to understand the process on how to win her back after you hurt and broker her heart, the single most important thing that you have to be mindful of is her sense of security. By breaking up with her, you ruined that and now you are responsible for restoring that. How you are going to go through this will largely depend on the kind of girl that you have. There are a few things still that you can do in convincing her that you're not leaving her again.

Among the few things that go with this process includes letting her know why you dumped her in the first place. Be honest and open. Remember that at this point what you are going to tell her is perhaps the lesser evil than what she is running through her mind. The next thing that you can do for her is to sincerely and genuinely give her compliments. Empty compliments will only call for empty results.

Also, you should be affectionate towards her and we're not talking about the "s.e.x" word around here. Rather, kiss her in the cheeks, hold her hand, you can also offer to rub her feet when she feels exhausted and tired from a hard day at work. And lastly, talk about the future like you and her have a clue. It makes things more romantic and eases her sense of security that there is a future for the both of you together. It is after all a good way to convince your ex-girlfriend that you are in it for the long haul, rather than just saying it until something better comes your way.

Stop any bad habit.
At this point, you must veer away from any habits that might lead her to the conclusion that you're going to cheat or stray. Unless you are complaining about all the women at your work, don't talk about them while the two of you are out on a date. Stop ogling with girls at the gym. Don't try to flirt with the sexy waitresses at your favorite pub. If you honestly want to get her back and keep her for good this time, this shouldn't be a daunting task at all. If she asks you about how your day went, give her an answer that's satisfying not the single-word-and-nothing-follows answer (you get what I mean). Whenever you ask something about her, listen to her answer intently and genuinely.

Mend your ways for her.
In every relationship, including those who are merrily married, has couples who have things that they want to change about their partner. A wife might want his husband to not spend so much on cars or gadgets. A husband may like it if his wife would not splurge too much on shopping. You know, whatever flaw you have like the ones that your girl would like if you changed - fix them.

Quit smoking if she hated that you do that. If she thinks that you're overworking, why not start coming home a little bit early. If she's a daredevil and has always wanted to do those adventures with her but you kept on refusing, go and sign yourselves up for a bungee jumping date. I can go on and on with a honeydew list that might be as long as the Eiffel tower to complete. But doing things that she liked conveys her the message that you are willing to exert all the effort to patch things up.

Article Source:

Saturday, 8 November 2014

3 Very Common Reasons Why a Man Will Cheat!

3 Very Common Reasons Why a Man Will Cheat!

Are you asking yourself, why does he cheat on me, hoping to find the answer that will solve your problem? They estimate that 60 percent of all married men will wind up having sex with someone who is not their wife at some point, and one can only speculate that the percentage must be near that in non marriages... so it may make you wonder if there is anything that you can do differently so that he won't cheat on you. In some situations, that may be true, and in others, it has very little to do with you.

If we were to look at things in great detail, we would find a wide array for reasons why men cheat in relationships. However, in the space of this article, we will take a much broader look. Cheating may happen from time to time in a relationship, but it does not have to happen and when it does... it does not have to be the end of the relationship. You do have to find out why he is running around behind your back, though.

Here are 3 common reasons why men cheat:

1) He needs to constantly feed his ego.
The male ego comes into play quite often when it comes to cheating, and some guys seem to need their ego more than others. Because this is HIS ego that is driving him to cheat, this is one of those situations where it really has very little to do with you. Some men never learn ways to raise their self esteem other than going out and getting it boosted by women. When it is his ego that causes him to cheat, you may want to consider ending the relationship, because he will probably do it again and again... unless he finds a new way to feed his ego.

2) There is something missing in the relationship and he does not know how to communicate this with you.
Sometimes a relationship does not feel "whole" to a guy, and instead of communicating the way that he feels with you... he feels that it is easier to try to fill that whole with another woman. In this situation, you can prevent him from cheating IF you are able to get him to deal with the relationship issues within the confines of the relationship and not by looking outside of it.

3) He cheats because he knows that he can.
This may not sound like the way it is supposed to be, but that does not mean that this is not the reason why some guys cheat. Some guys do it just because they can. If he knows that you will forgive him, act like it is not happening, or that you just expect that to be what he is going to do... then you need to put an end to that and make him realize that he does not have permission to cheat on you.

For more details on how to Catch a Cheating Partner, then you want to:
Click Here
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Wednesday, 5 November 2014

6 Good Reasons Why Women Cheat!

Usually many people ask themselves "Why do women cheat on their boyfriends and husbands?" Actually, many individuals do think that men are the only people who cheat on their partners. Yes, it is common to hear of cheating men but women are also capable of having extramarital affairs just like men.

In fact, nowadays many women cheat on their husbands. If you suspect that she is cheating on you, then it is upon you to take a step and find out the truth. You need not only to find the truth but also to find out what is making her to cheat on you.

It is very difficult to come up with an answer when it comes to determining the reasons why a spouse is cheating. This is because unfaithful partners cheat for many different reasons. However, just because one woman is cheating, it doesn't mean that all women are unfaithful to their boyfriends or husbands.

Six Reasons Why Women Cheat

Although it is difficult to come up with a single obvious reason, there are some common reasons that will make a woman to cheat in a relationship. These reasons can make you to understand why your girlfriend or wife is cheating on you. These reasons are discussed below.

1.) Unfulfilled Desire

When it comes to being romantic, are you able to fulfill her? Your romantic preferences may differ with your woman's preference and this could make her not to be fulfilled. Have you ever asked your girlfriend or wife what she likes when it comes to showing her love?
Don't forget that your wife or girlfriend has sexual needs. If your romantic life is decreasing, boring or dull, there are high chances that she will cheat on you. The reason why she could be cheating on you is to fulfill her romantic desires and fantasies that you are not able to fulfill.
Therefore, unfulfilled romantic desires and fantasies will make some women to cheat in a relationship.

2.) To End a Relationship

Few years ago, ways of ending a relationship was as easy as writing a simple breakup note or making a phone call. Nowadays, the way of ending a relationship is taking another turn as such cheating seems to be the easiest alternative. Many women are using cheating as an excuse to get out of a relationship.

Most women fear the kind of negative response they will receive when trying to breakup with a husband or boyfriend. One of the fears they have is their partners being violent. Women will cheat intentionally so that they are caught by their boyfriends or husbands relying on the fact that there is no man who will stomach with a woman who is cheating thus ending the relationship.
If you have noticed that your girlfriend or wife is cheating on you, there are high chances that she is trying to end the relationship.

3.) To Feel Young

It is well known that women fear aging. Some women decide to have an affair instead of starting a weight loss plan. In such situations, the affair is typically short and it may even be a one night stand. All they want from the affair is to feel young and appreciated something which they lack in their legal relationship.

Learn the best ways to catch a Cheating Spouse / Lover: Click HERE

4) Convenience

Another reason why women cheat on their boyfriends or husbands is for convenience reasons. There are men who do not show appreciation by complimenting their wives or girlfriends for their effort of making themselves attractive.

For example, many women will not turn down an offer from a man who gives them attention at workplace. In such incidences, the woman will not see a reason to turn down the offer of a man who is appreciating her beauty something which does not happen in here relationship with her boyfriend or husband. Some women will go for any man willing to provide them with passion and expresses admiration by complimenting them on how sexy they are dressed.

5.) Habitually Cheating

There are some women who are not able to control their unfaithfulness. They habitually cheat on their boyfriends or husbands. They get caught up and ask for forgiveness only later on to cheat again and again.

6.) Revenge

If a woman finds out that her boyfriend or husband is cheating, she may decide to revenge also by cheating. Therefore, some women will cheat in a relationship to revenge on their unfaithful men.
The question "why do women cheat?" is now answered after reading this article. If you suspect that your girlfriend or wife is cheating, you should find out the truth and thereafter you may choose to save or end the relationship.

Author of this article is Daisy Bruce.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Why Do Women Cheat? And How They Justify It!

Why Do Women Cheat?
Why Do Women Cheat?

So why do women cheat? One very obvious reason is because they are also human. They have their weakness and their imperfections. Sometimes they get tired of the relationship. Sometimes it is because the relationship is not going well at all. They can be tempted to have affairs with another person because they want something that the current relationship doesn't give them.

These are the reasons of why do women cheat on their partners. Some women are also treated harshly by their husbands, whether in words or by physical abuse. Women often seek the love of another person because they are hurt and they can't stand this kind of treatment. Another reason why women cheat is because they feel that their partner is growing distant and the relationship turns cold and tries to seek attention and love with another.

Others justify cheating because their partners also cheated on them and view the affair as some kind of revenge to their unfaithful husbands. Some women find comfort in having affairs because they feel that their partners suddenly changed and that the relationship will also fall apart. Some women also have ideas to experiment and feel like the relationship is becoming boring and predictable. Others just can't stick to one person and feels the need to have affairs with other people as part of their interpersonal natures. Some accidentally fall in love with another person and is too afraid to leave their husbands that's why they settle for an affair.

Cheating is a very complex subject and the reasons behind it are not always justifiable and understandable, often times they are more upsetting and hurtful. The only certain thing is that there is always a reason behind it and if the cheated party tries to understand this reason he will find out that it is not always entirely the fault of the woman. They both made mistakes and they both need to change some things in their lives or in their personalities.

Do You Ever Picture Your Spouse Cheating Again?

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex

Gorging on comfort food is pretty much a given when dealing with a breakup, but one woman decided to take her heartbreak public by camping out at a local KFC for seven days.
After being dumped by her boyfriend, Tan Shen says she was walking the city feeling depressed when she decided to stop into a KFC outlet in a train station in Chengdu China, reports Metro UK.
After ordering some chicken wings, Shen realized going back to her apartment would be too difficult.
“I hadn’t planned on staying there long, I just wanted some chicken wings.  But once I got in there and started eating I decided I needed time to think,” Shen said.  “I didn’t want to go back to my apartment because it was full of memories of him. So I stayed.”

Luckily for Shen, the place where she camped out is open for 24 hours. At first, the lovesick woman went unnoticed by employees since they work in different shifts.

"At first no one really noticed her. But after a few days I began thinking she looked really familiar. Then I realized we had been serving her for the past three days and that she hadn’t actually left,” Jiang Li Lung, a KFC employee said.

Shen ordered more wings and fries and continued to stay in her booth. After a week, local media reportedly started flocking to the restaurant so Shen decided it was time to leave.

"I decided the best thing to do would be to leave the city and go back to my parents. I had already told work I was off sick, so phoned them and said I was leaving,” Shen said.

But her best line ever?

"And I was getting sick of the taste of chicken so there was no point in staying there anymore."
Ah, the woes of the heartbroken.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Emotional Manipulation

4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Emotional Manipulation
4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Emotional Manipulation
“Anything is better than lies and deceit!”
―Leo Tolstoy
How could anyone fall for that?  How could I have been so foolish?  Why do they believe such lies?  How could we have been conned like that?
There are emotionally manipulative people of varying degrees all around us.  When we are young we like to think that we are immune to the psychological pressures that confuse, manipulate and condition other people.  We are not so gullible, are we?  But part of truly maturing as an individual involves understanding how you too are led by the environment, influenced by others, and driven by the needs you have as a human being.
Human beings can be manipulated precisely because we share innate psychological characteristics that render us ALL susceptible, to a point.  Although, like any other weakness, some people are naturally more prone to succumb, while others have higher levels of immunity to the external pressures that can make us do things we would normally never think of doing.
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But assuming that we are already “immune” is naive and the surest path to being a victim of manipulation.  Let me give you a powerful example:

Emotionally Manipulated to Death

The day is November 18, 1978, and you’re in Guyana.  There you stand in the middle of Jonestown, a loyal member of Jim Jones’ cult known as “The People’s Temple”.  He commands you to drink a cup of poisonous, cyanide-laced Kool-Aid and take your own life.
What do you do?
Well of course you don’t do it, right?  Who is Jim Jones, or anyone for that matter, to tell you to end it all?  You are not a robot that can be ordered to kill yourself against your own will!  But an astounding 907 people simply followed his orders and died that fateful day.  And many of these people poisoned their children before they took their own lives.  People who wanted to live and wanted their children and spouses to live.
Why did these people do this?  Why did men and women, many college educated, allow themselves to be abused and brainwashed by this man?  Why did they agree to sell their homes and give all their possessions and money to “The People’s Temple” – an obvious cult?
Were these people of abnormally low intelligence?  Were they clinically insane?  Or was Jim Jones a highly skilled manipulator of human emotions?  Did he know exactly how to push a human being’s “buttons,” and string them along even to the extent that they would poison their own children before ending their own lives?
Either way, that was just “Jonestown”, right?  It was an isolated event.
Wrong!  “Jonestown” has happened numerous times throughout history – and it will happen again.  I bet you can think of other examples where people were willingly driven to their own demise.  It may not be “Jonestown” – it may go by a different name, but we see the same exact psychological mechanisms of manipulation in play.  Understanding these mechanisms can help immunize you not just to the grosser psychological manipulations of a wicked cult leader, but also to the more subtle psychological conditioning that we all encounter as part of everyday life.

We All Have Basic Human Needs

Jim Jones was a master of deceiving people by appearing to give them what they needed.  And this is the crucial point to grasp.  We all have innate human needs.  If your fundamental psychological needs as a human being are not being adequately met, then, unless you understand precisely what’s happening and respond appropriately, you will be motivated to latch on to any source that appears to satisfy these needs.
Some of your basic human needs include:
  • The security of a safe environment in which to grow.
  • A sense of autonomy and control of your life.
  • A sense of self-worth earned through creative problem solving and the achievement of personal goals.
  • Being part of a broader, likeminded community.
  • A sense of status within social groupings (which includes feeling important or respected in some way).
  • Being emotionally connected to certain people (family, friends, etc.).
  • Meaning and purpose arising from being able to make a difference.
Again, if any of these basic needs are not sufficiently met in your life, you will feel inexplicably attracted to anyone or anything that promises to supply what is lacking.  The awareness that this is happening can save you an incredible amount of trouble.
Many of Jim Jones’ devotees were drawn from a pool of disgruntled people who were not leading satisfying lives or meeting their basic needs in healthy ways.  People facing uncertain times or uncertain futures, people with low self-esteem and negative self-images, and so forth.  Jones held out the promise of certainty, social acceptance, community, self-respect, purpose and feelings of security inside his “temple.”  And there must have been some really deep seeded beliefs instilled in these people, because eventually they followed Jones, like some new-age Pied Piper, into oblivion.

Universal Applicability and Susceptibility

It’s rather easy to see that if your needs are not being adequately met in a healthy way, and someone or something comes along that promises to supply all of your needs in one convenient package, then that can seem pretty irresistible.
If you disagree, think about this: On a more conventional level, consider how many people feeling neglected in a marriage have a careless affair with someone because it was “so nice to be listened to, flattered, romanced, etc.”  The very same unconscious propulsion towards an affair like that might drive others into the arms of a cult (or even to buy a timeshare or a new wonder drug!)

Rational Justifications for Irrational Behavior

We all need some level of quality attention and strive to meet that need in various ways, but our thirst for it can blind us to the sleazy aspects of the person (or entity) that’s tempting us.  Our emotional drive is so powerful that it will enlist the help of the conscious mind to invent compelling, logical arguments to support what we feel compelled to do.  Jim Jones’ devotees too would certainly have developed a belief system around the cult, and they wholeheartedly believed that they had rational arguments for sticking with it.
It’s easy to say afterwards, “How could I have been so foolish?”  But extreme incidents like the Jonestown massacre demonstrate just how mind-numbingly powerful the drive to meet our basic human needs is.  They can completely overwhelm clear thinking – just as a person dying of thirst in a desert might desperately put an ice-cold bottle of poison to their lips, if it were offered to them.

Weapons of Influence and Manipulation

Famous social psychologist Robert Cialdini conducted a study of how and why people comply (or buy) in business situations, and identified a set of principles which he called the “weapons of influence.”  Although he was looking at business related events and interactions, his principles apply equally well to unsuitable, manipulative relationships of any kind.  And if you look closely, it’s not hard to see the link between Cialdini’s principles and the basic needs I outlined above.
Cialdini’s weapons of influence:
  • Reciprocation – “But they’ve done so much for me!”  When you feel indebted to someone, then the law of reciprocation is influencing you.  Jim Jones constantly reminded his devotees of all he and “The People’s Temple” had done for them – how he had “saved them” and how they “owe” themselves to the “temple.”  If someone constantly reminds you how much they are doing or have done for you, they are being manipulative.  It runs all the way from free samples in product marketing/advertising to someone doing an unrequested favor for you just so they can ask you for a favor in return – the aim is to make you feel obligated to reciprocate.  (Read Influence: Psychology of Persuasion.)
  • Commitment and consistency – If people publicly commit verbally or in writing to an idea or goal, they are more likely to honor that commitment.  We like to appear consistent and dependable to both ourselves and others (think of the disapproval heaped upon politicians who change their minds).  To suddenly stop following orders or abandon once-deeply-held beliefs can simply feel impossible to many, even in the face of mounting evidence that disproves the belief.
  • Social proof – People will do things they see other people doing.  Period.  “A thousand other people can’t be wrong, right?”  or “If everyone else is doing it then it must be OK.”  This kind of thinking is how people get swayed into being “fashion victims” as well as “cult victims.”  And it’s complicated too, because this is not just thoughtless blindness on our part.  Hundreds of years ago, for human beings to survive in a world of predators, we had to form tight-knit social groups and look to others for behavioral cues.  This is still useful up to a point, but the manipulators of the world can easily use this to their advantage.
  • Authority – People will tend to obey authority figures, even if they are asked to perform unjust acts.  Authority figures come in many different flavors and facades (and Jim Jones was certainly naturally authoritative).
  • Likability – People are more easily persuaded and manipulated by other people whom they like.  But likable people might not do very likable things and that’s the problem.  Cialdini demonstrated that people tend to buy from people they like, or buy things people they like buy.  We also tend to like attractive people.  It’s no coincidence that cult leaders tend to be charismatic, likeable and attractive.  (Read How to Win Friends and Influence People.)
  • Scarcity - If something seems scarce, demand for it will increase.  “Limited time offer” or “while supplies last” or “only for the first 100 buyers” are all ways that the scarcity principle is used in marketing.  In manipulative relationships it may be used like this: “You will never meet anyone else like me!”  It’s subtle, but the implication is that I am rare, and therefore more valuable to you.  Jim Jones phrased it like this: “‘The People’s Temple’ is the only place you can be saved” – all cults will have a similar manipulative slogan.

4 Smart Ways to Protect Yourself

To protect yourself from the more excessive and evil manipulations of organizations and individuals, you need to:
  1. Be aware that extreme “promise of gain” and “threat of loss” are basic universal tools for manipulating belief and behavior.
  2. Understand that if your basic emotional and physical needs are not adequately met, you become more vulnerable to being manipulated by anyone willing to exploit this gap.  Just understanding this can help immunize you against becoming a victim.
  3. Observe how Cialdini’s “weapons of influence” operate in everyday life (often in benign ways) and how they are indirectly linked to basic human needs.
  4. Stay calm.  Breathe.  A calm mind can perceive the world much more clearly and objectively.


Most people and organizations are not actually out to exploit and manipulate others in an evil way, but as the unfortunate followers of Jim Jones discovered back in 1978, when they do, horrifying things can happen.
So… I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:  Live by choice, not by chance.  Make changes, not excuses.  Be motivated, not manipulated.  Work to excel, not compete.  Choose to listen to your inner voice, not the jumbled opinions of everyone else.
And if you feel like you’re struggling with a manipulative relationship situation of any kind, know that you are not alone.  Many of us are right there with you, working things out for ourselves.  Stand strong!  Stay inspired!  This is precisely why Angel and I wrote our book, “1,000 Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently”.  It’s filled with short, concise tips on how to do just that.
The bottom line is that there are manipulative people in this world that will try to mess with your mind, but you can defend yourself.  It’s about arming yourself with awareness.

The floor is yours…

In what way have people tried to manipulate you?
When and how did you realize this?  What did you do about it?
Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts and insights.


Thursday, 9 October 2014

The Questions That Will Save Your Relationships.

The Questions That Will Save Your Relationships
The Questions That Will Save Your Relationships
This question was like a spotlight pointed directly at the chasm between his experience of a "DAY" and my experience of a "DAY." How was my day?
The question would linger in the air for a moment while I stared at Craig and the baby shoved her hand in my mouth like they do -- while the oldest screamed MOMMY I NEED HELP POOING from the bathroom and the middle one cried in the corner because I NEVER EVER EVER let her drink the dishwasher detergent. NOT EVER EVEN ONCE, MOMMY!!! And I'd look down at my spaghetti-stained pajama top, unwashed hair, and gorgeous baby on my hip -- and my eyes would wander around the room, pausing to notice the toys peppering the floor and the kids' stunning new art on the fridge...

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And I'd want to say:
How was my day? Today has been a lifetime. It was the best of times and the worst of times. There were moments when my heart was so full I thought I might explode, and there were other moments when my senses were under such intense assault that I was CERTAIN I'd explode. I was both lonely and absolutely desperate to be alone. I was saturated -- just BOMBARDED with touch and then the second I put down this baby I yearned to smell her sweet skin again. I was simultaneously bored out of my skull and completely overwhelmed with so much to do. Today was too much and not enough. It was loud and silent. It was brutal and beautiful. I was at my very best today and then, just a moment later, at my very worst. At 3:30 today I decided that we should adopt four more children, and then at 3:35 I decided that we should give up the kids we already have for adoption. Husband -- when your day is completely and totally dependent upon the moods and needs and schedules of tiny, messy, beautiful rug rats your day is ALL OF THE THINGS and NONE OF THE THINGS, sometimes within the same three minute period. But I'm not complaining. This is not a complaint, so don't try to FIX IT. I wouldn't have my day Any.Other.Way. I'm just saying -- it's a hell of a hard thing to explain -- an entire day with lots of babies.
But I'd be too tired to say all of that. So I'd just cry, or yell, or smile and say "fine," and then hand the baby over and run to Target to wander aisles aimlessly, because that's all I ever really wanted. But I'd be a little sad because love is about really being seen and known and I wasn't being seen or known then. Everything was really hard to explain. It made me lonely.
So we went went to therapy, like we do.
Through therapy, we learned to ask each other better questions. We learned that if we really want to know our people, if we really care to know them -- we need to ask them better questions and then really listen to their answers. We need to ask questions that carry along with them this message: "I'm not just checking the box here. I really care what you have to say and how you feel. I really want to know you." If we don't want throwaway answers, we can't ask throwaway questions. A caring question is a key that will unlock a room inside the person you love.
So Craig and I don't ask "How was your day?" anymore. After a few years of practicing increasingly intimate question asking, now we find ourselves asking each other questions like these:
When did you feel loved today?
When did you feel lonely?
What did I do today that made you feel appreciated?
What did I say that made you feel unnoticed?
What can I do to help you right now?
I know. WEEEEEIRRD at first. But not after a while. Not any weirder than asking the same damn empty questions you've always asked that elicit the same damn empty answers you've always gotten.
And so now when our kids get home from school, we don't say: "How was your day?" Because they don't know. Their day was lots of things.
Instead we ask:
How did you feel during your spelling test?
What did you say to the new girl when you all went out to recess?
Did you feel lonely at all today?
Were there any times you felt proud of yourself today?
And I never ask my friends: "How are you?" Because they don't know either.
Instead I ask:
How is your mom's chemo going?
How'd that conference with Ben's teacher turn out?
What's going really well with work right now?
Questions are like gifts -- it's the thought behind them that the receiver really FEELS. We have to know the receiver to give the right gift and to ask the right question. Generic gifts and questions are all right, but personal gifts and questions feel better. Love is specific, I think. It's an art. The more attention and time you give to your questions, the more beautiful the answers become.
Life is a conversation. Make it a good one by leaving your comments below.


Tuesday, 7 October 2014

The Top 10 Reasons Relationships Fail and How to Avoid Them

In today’s world, failed relationships are more the exception than the rule. Some people change spouses like they change socks. Easy come, easy go. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can have a great relationship despite the fact that so many others aren’t.

Here are the top ten reasons relationships fail, and how to avoid them:

#1 Getting Too Serious Too Quickly

Getting Too Serious Quickly

This one is tough because when you fall for a guy, normally you fall pretty hard. You want to spend all your time together. Pretty soon, you’re thinking about houses with white picket fences and little versions of your man running around.
While it’s great to have dreams, if you get too serious too quickly, you don’t give enough time to get to know each other. Sure, when you’re in your honeymoon phase you think your relationship can survive anything. But, if you haven’t taken the time to find out if you have the same hopes, dreams and visions of the future, reality is going to give you a pretty hard slap in the face.
The best thing you can do is take it slow. Take the time to explore what you both want out of life and see if you’re headed in the same direction. While your dreams don’t have to be exact, they at least have to be in the same ball park.

#2 Making Him Personally Responsible For Your Happiness

Ladies, we do this all the time. But, it’s not his responsibility to make you happy all the time. It’s yours. Sure, he can add to your happiness, but to make him completely responsible for it is like making him responsible for the sun coming up. It’s beyond his control.
The key to being happy as a couple is being happy as individuals. Do things that make you smile. If you’re happy with yourself, you’re more likely to be happy with him.

#3 Not Saying What’s on Your Mind

Say Whats on Your Mind
Sometimes we expect our guys to be mind readers. Like they should know how we feel or when something upsets us. But the truth is, they can’t read our minds any more than we can read theirs.
Even if he knows you’re upset, he isn’t necessarily going to do the girl-thing and push and prod you until you finally say what’s wrong. No, he’s likely to do the guy thing. He’s going to pretend nothing is wrong until you say it is.
If there’s something on your mind, say it. Put it out there. You can’t resolve an issue with him if he doesn’t know it exists.

#4 Not Spending Quality Time Together

Life gets hectic. You have work, kids and home obligations and when you do have a little bit of time, you have no energy left. Date night takes second fiddle to kid’s soccer games and what used to be quiet time alone is now time spent trying to get the kids to brush their teeth into bed at a reasonable time.
Sometimes, our family and jobs have to take priority. That’s understandable. But, if you keep putting quality time together on the backburner, eventually, the flame will go out and you’ll be left with a cold, lifeless relationship.
Set aside one day a week or every two weeks where you can have quality, uninterrupted time alone together. Go to dinner. Go for a walk. Go dancing. Do anything. Just do it together.

#5 Not Truly Listening to Him

Have you ever had a conversation with your guy and walked away with no clue what he just said because you were thinking about something else? Maybe you were running your to-do list through your mind, or planning what you were going to make for dinner.
If you don’t truly listen to what he says, you’re missing the opportunity for some great conversation. And, if you show interest in his life, he will likely return the favor and show interest in yours as well.
So, when he starts talking, quit multitasking. If possible, stop whatever you’re doing and pay attention to what he’s saying. And, be an active listener. Ask questions. Show him that you hear him.

#6 Not Trusting Him When You Should

Trust In Him
You see it all the time; women checking their man’s cell phone for texts, email for messages and pants pockets for unknown numbers. Why? Because she wants to make sure he’s not cheating. No, he hasn’t given her a reason to think he is, she just wants to know for sure.
Why would you not trust him when he’s given you no reason to think otherwise? If you don’t trust him, why stay in the relationship? Why make both of you miserable? Learn how to trust him or move on because if you stay where you’re at and keep doing what you’re doing, your relationship will likely soon end anyway.

#7 Continuing to Bring Up Past Issues

How many times have you had a fight and brought up things he did in 1992? Does it get you anywhere? No? But you still keep doing it?
Here’s the problem with bringing up past issues: they’re in the past. That means that nothing can be done to change them. They’re over and done with.
If you want a healthy relationship, you need to deal with things that are currently happening. Focus on today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Today.
If there’s something that hasn’t resolved itself, it will rear its ugly head again and give you ample opportunity to deal with it. So, for now, let it go.

#8 Testing The Relationship (Playing Games)

Have you ever said something to him just to test his response? Maybe you tell him he doesn’t have to get you something for your anniversary because it’s no big deal, but it is a big deal, you’re just testing him to see if he does the right thing? If you’re going to play games, be prepared to lose.
If you say or do things just to set him up and then tear him down when he makes the wrong decision, you’re relationship has a high likelihood of not passing the test. If you tell him something, he should expect it to be the truth.
If you want a close, loving relationship you don’t have to test it. Life tests us enough on its own. So, next time you’re about to say something you don’t mean just to see how he responds, bite your tongue and forfeit your turn.

#9 Keeping Score

man and woman arguing in kitchen
Do you keep track of what you do for him versus what he does for you? For instance, do you count the number of times you put the dishes away from the dishwasher versus how often he’s done it? Or, do you know the exact number of times you’ve had to take out the garbage because he’s forgot?
When you’re in a relationship, it isn’t about what you receive, it’s about give and take. Maybe he’s not the best about putting dishes away, but he always takes care of the oil change when your car needs it.
Let go of the score mentality. It’s not about what he does for you or even what you do for him. It’s about what you both do for the relationship.

#10 Not Accepting Him Completely (Expecting Him to Change)

Have you ever done this? Have you got into a relationship thinking you could change him and everything would be perfect? And, how has that worked for you?
No one changes unless they want to. It doesn’t matter how badly you want it, if he doesn’t then it’s not going to happen. Besides, if you want him to change, why are you with him in the first place?
If you can’t accept your guy, faults and all, then your relationship isn’t going to work. You’re never going to find the perfect man because he doesn’t exist. You just have to find someone who’s perfect for you.
Relationships are hard, even when they’re easy. By taking an active role and doing what you can to nurture it and make it strong, you are opening yourself up to a more mature love, one based on trust, respect and friendship. One that not only survives, but thrives. It doesn’t get any better than that.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

5 Good Advices to Make Your Husband Love You Again

No marriage is perfect, and if you came across a problem in yours, the only thing you could do is to try to solve it. You may think that your husband has stopped loving you.

#1 Has He Really Stopped Loving You

Before you engage yourself in solving a problem you first need to figure out if there is a problem to begin with. You may think that your husband doesn’t love you anymore when this could be as far away from the truth.
Start looking for clues and try to find out how your husband feels, but the best thing you can do is sit down and actually talk to your husband.
Tell him how you feel, tell him the reasons why you think he doesn’t love you anymore and ask him to tell you how he feels. It could all be just in your head and could be solved with some talk and spending some more time together.
But then again, you could be right, and if your husband has actually stopped loving you, you can try to do something about it. Keep reading.


How to Meet,Attract, and Create a Lasting and Fulfilling Relationship With the Kind of Person You've Always Wanted

#2 Find a Reason

How To Meet Someone you Desire!
When you’ve already gathered courage and sat down to talk to your husband and he has admitted that he started feeling different about you, have courage to ask what went wrong. There could be more than just one reason, and there probably is since people usually don’t just stop loving other people for no reason.
Prepare yourself to hear things you might not like. Keep in mind that you are trying to save your marriage here, and to make your husband love you again. You will need to work hard but if you manage it in the end, all the effort will be worth it.

#3 Solve The Problem

Once you’ve established a reason why your husband stopped loving you, do everything you can to solve this problem. It is not going to be easy, but if you both promise yourselves and each other to try, you might just end up saving your marriage and loving each other again, maybe even more than before.
If you can’t do it alone, seek professional help. The most important thing is not to give up until you at least try to make things better.

#4 Remind Him Why He Fell in Love With You in the First Place

Your husband had to love you at some point in his life and even though he is not feeling the same love now, it is not too late to do something about it. One of the best ideas would be to remind him why he fell in love with you in the first place.
Try to regain as much things you had when you two met as possible. If you were thinner, try to lose some weight. If your hair was longer, let it grow long again. If you two spent more time together, try to spend more time together now too.
Get away for the weekend, just the two of you and spend some time reminding yourselves of how you fell in love with each other and remembering all the good things about your marriage. Once you see that your marriage was much better than worse, you will have more strength to work on in again.

#5 Increase Intimacy

A lot of couples suffer from lack of intimacy. People work long hours, don’t see much of each other and even when they find some time, they are usually too tired and exhausted from everyday life. Don’t let this happen to you, and in case it has already happened start fixing it right away.
Take a couple of days off and travel somewhere with your husband. Use this time to talk and to work on your marriage. You can start working less or part time if your financial situation allows you to, in order to spend more time together. Kiss, hug and make love.
Your husband might be just missing intimacy with you, which made him so distant at first place. Don’t let your marriage be another one that has fallen apart because of lack of intimacy. Work on it, and yes – have as much sex as you can, because physical intimacy increases psychological intimacy as well.
Unfortunately, sometimes there is nothing you can do and you will have to accept that. Marriages fall apart and a good divorce is still better than a bad marriage. Just don’t give up before you even try. Don’t hide your problems, but rather talk about them and do your best to solve them. Follow these tips and you’ll succeed in making your husband love you again.

How to Meet,Attract, and Create a Lasting and Fulfilling Relationship With the Kind of Person You've Always Wanted 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Faking happiness for your ex?

Faking happiness for your ex
Faking happiness for your ex
A picture speaks a thousand words, even if it's a series of selfies with smiley faces taken across the globe. After a break-up, many couples attempt to play and win an absurd game of upmanship where they want to prove to an ex that they are better off, and do so by sharing holiday pics or party pics of them having a good time. While some may buy into it, many will see through the facade says 30-year-old Gayatri Shah.

She adds, "Social media and networking sites are a great way to connect and stay in touch with people. However, it's also a bane especially when you are going through a break-up because of the constant reminders online whether it's mutual posts or pics shared. It's a digital diary that you can keep flipping, reliving the hurt if things ended on a sour note."

She further said, "While many may choose to simply log off, and wipe the slate clean by creating a new profile and deleting the existing one, there are others like me who want to prove a point. Break-ups can be hard and when I was going through one instead of cutting off ties with my ex I decided to make him realise that he had made a mistake by breaking up with me. I would post pictures of me having a great time. Some may think that's it's a pathetic move, but you are not always rational when you are going through a heartache. While it did not bring my ex back to me as I had hoped. He did call to check if I was doing okay. Somewhere down the line you realise you cannot keep holding on, and then have to start facing facts."
Gayatri says she did that only when she got talking to a mutual friend who told her nobody was buying the 'I am so happy' facade, and she had to move on.

The pressure to appear happy on social media
 Apart from the embarrassment, Gayatri had to face the truth that she was not fooling anyone but herself. While your close circle of friends may know what's going on, that may not be true for the others on your your networking page. Seema Hingorrany, clinical psychologist, says, "There is a lot of pressure on individuals going through a break-up, and many of them end up giving into the temptation of pretending everything is okay, even if it's not. The sexy and happy selfies are just a mask people hide behind, till they come to terms with reality."She adds, "If you are very sensitive and cannot break free it's better to unfriend your ex for sometime rather than bombard them with your happy pics. This facade or masking to prove that everything is hunky dory gives way at times, and a person sinks into emotional turbulence. The best way is to go through the feeling of sadness for sometime after break up, and not bottle it up."
Faking happiness is not going to make things better
Psychiatrist Anjali Chhabria, adds, "Using social media to see its effects on your ex may never let an individual really get over the relationship. To accept the break up and deal with the emotional pain one must look for healthier ways to move on rather than just being preoccupied with showing off your new life to your ex. If things did not work out, it does not mean you try to hurt the person back who tried to hurt you. Avoid playing games to make the person jealous and come back to you. Disconnect for a while, if you want to heal."

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

How Do You Bring An End To Your Spouse's Affair

End Your Spouse Affair
End Your Spouse Affair

If your spouse was involved in an affair, it is their responsibility to bring it to an end. If you try to end it yourself by contacting the other person you most likely will not succeed. This is something that has to be worked out by your spouse only, and it can be more difficult if they are living some kind of fantasy love affair.

What you must do is have your spouse show that they are vested in your marriage. Your spouse must also show that when the affair has ended so has the behavior that leads to the affair in the first place. If the behavior has not changed the chance for a repeat is too great.
It sounds crazy but you will feel like your spouse holds the power now. It is up to them to end the affair, save your marriage or leave you. You do not have many options while you are waiting for the affair to end, don't feel alone for this is natural situation.

If after finding out about the affair you were filled with anger, you know you have a great sense of what is right or wrong. Do not let your self-esteem take a beating over all of this, you are not the first to experience this and you can make it through it all.
Remember that getting caught cheating was not part of your spouse's plan. Now they have to make a choice between you and saving the relationship and marriage or continuing their relationship with the other person. They have been put in a position they did not foresee happening.

To help your spouse make the right decision you need to be the one with a clear vision of what to do.

Below are three tips that can help you out.

1. Some people are able to give their spouse time to put an end to their relationship. There may be a small minority that will put up with it, but if you can stand the fact your spouse is with someone else it's time to for you to make a choice. Do you stay and try to save your marriage or do you move on? You must decide what you want.

2. It may be hard to make a good decision right after finding out your spouse has been cheating on you; your anger will cloud your judgment. Once a few days have passed you will be thinking more clearly and can make more rational decisions. Will you stay with your spouse until they make a decision about stopping the affair? This and other decisions must be made by you so you can move forward to save the marriage or move on.

3. Once you have made your decision give your spouse what you want and expect. Give them a timeline so they will not drag out the situation forever. Be firm and confident so they know you mean business and they can't get over on you. Since you cannot change who they are the best you can do is influence how they act so they will behave better in the future.

Hopefully these tips can get you started on the right path to saving your marriage. You may have many years invested in the relationship or have been married for a few months. Either way a marriage can be saved after an affair.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Signs Your Ex Boyfriend Still Likes You

Ex Boyfriend Still Likes Me
Ex Boyfriend Still Likes Me
While breakups happen, many of us have hope that the relationship can be repaired. That means that we're looking for signs that our ex is still interested, too. However, it can be easy to turn that hope into a false certainty that your ex boyfriend still wants the relationship to go on. If you're wondering what the signs your ex boyfriend still likes you might be, here are a few things to think about.

Are there any other people in your ex boyfriend's life that he's been hanging around a lot? New people might be a way of getting over the breakup, or they could be potential new romantic interests. If you suspect that your boyfriend is in the process of finding someone else, don't panic.

We often hook up with other people on the rebound after a breakup, after all. This new love affair could be short lived. You can't assume it will be, though, and you should never try to break up any of your ex boyfriend's friendships or relationships because you'd rather renew your old relationship. This almost always backfires, and it will make you look clingy, desperate, and ruthless - not things you'd like your ex to be thinking about you!

If you think you're seeing signs your ex boyfriend still likes you, stop and look at your circumstances. If he's asking if you're seeing anyone, calls, emails or texts you frequently, or regularly invites you to do things, he might still be interested. Always make sure that you're in a situation where you feel comfortable re-entering the relationship, however. If nothing has changed, it's time to take a look at what the problems in the relationship were. There's a chance that by looking at things differently, and going slow, you'll be able to restart the relationship and have it be more successful.

Of course, there's always the chance that you don't want to get back with your ex boyfriend and are worried that he wants to restart things. If that's the case, make sure that your position is clear. You don't have to be cruel or confrontational, but you should make sure you're not inadvertently leading him to false conclusions.

If you're seeing affectionate gestures and interest in being around you, there's a chance that your ex is still interested. By taking things slowly and not jumping to conclusions, you have the best chance of being able to successfully restart the relationship. Just make sure you're both on the same page.

Friday, 26 September 2014

What To Say To Your Husband's Mistress

Stop My Husband's Mistress
Stop My Husband's Mistress
I often get emails from wives asking for guidance on how to deal with or talk to their husband's mistress. I recently heard from a woman who said, in part: "My husband won't give up the other woman. I think that this is partly because she won't back off. It's obvious that she is not going to stop until she has my husband all to herself. She has been texting me and asking if we can meet to talk about this. I want to see her face to face, but, as silly as this sounds, I'm not sure what to say to her. I'm afraid if I start talking, all of the anger and pain will come pouring out and I'll lose control over my emotions and say or do something I'm going to regret. I don't want to show her that she's gotten under my skin. But I want to tell her to back off and get out of our lives. What can I say to accomplish this?"

The wife usually goes with an agenda. And, this is often to size up the mistress, make her believe that the marriage is going to be saved so there is no place for her, and convince her to just go away. But, the mistress usually has her own agenda and the two often can not happen at the same time. She will usually not fight all that fairly and her goal is usually to make you have more (instead of less) doubts. In short, she wants to size you up as much as you want to do the same to her. She wants to get a feel of who she is dealing with. And she will typically use any knowledge that she gains against you and any negativity that you give her to justify her own actions.

In short, it's my experience that this a situation in which the wife can't win. Because she's going to try to appeal to the moral compass and compassion of someone who hasn't shown all that much of the same. She certainly hasn't respected your marriage and your feelings up until this point, so why would she start now? Many wives tell me that they are hoping if the mistress sees that she's dealing with a real person and real family, she might back off. And, this can sometimes make her take pause.
But, think about it. She likely would not have requested the meeting (or agreed to meet) if she weren't still invested in the relationship with your husband. If the relationship was completely over and there was nothing left for her, she would likely just walk away without all the fanfare and the need to meet. You ask to ask yourself what is in this for you (and what she's hoping to accomplish.) I know that you very much hope that this is going to give you closure and control, but it so rarely does. Often, the mistress will make you believe that your husband was the pursuer (and still is.) Typically, you'll walk away from this meeting even more insecure and doubtful than when you started.

It's actually my opinion that you should never give the mistress an "in." What I mean by this is if you're trying to salvage your marriage, this woman has absolutely no place in it. You are only giving her more power over you by continuing to include her. It's my experience that your best bet is to just ignore her, refuse to engage, and ask your husband to do the same.

And truthfully, if someone in your family is going to tell her to go away, it needs to be your husband. She is only going to believe and heed these words if they come from him. Because if they come from you, she's going to run right to your husband and report back. This is going to give her (at least in her mind) a reason to need to contact him and engage again. Do not give her any such ammunition.
I'm fully aware that although this insight might make sense to you, you may well still feel that you need to talk to this woman. I do respect and understand this. But my advice would be that if you absolutely have to talk to the mistress, you make the conversation incredibly short and one sided. Say what you need to say and then walk away. (This is why a letter or an email can be preferable because she can't engage or interrupt you, but be careful of what you put in writing.)

Ask yourself what you truly want for her to know and to take away from this. For most women, it's that her actions were extremely deplorable and you want for them to end immediately. If you go into a long rant about how she's hurt your family, you show your vulnerability. You want to appear strong, capable, and in control. To that end, you could simply say that you are fully aware of her actions and don't want her anywhere near any members of your family from today forward. Period.
Many wives want to go into how they are going to save the marriage or the dynamics of the relationship. I don't think you should go there. Your marriage is none of her business. She has no place within it. And bringing up it, again, in her mind, might be another "in." Your goal really is to swiftly and decidedly shut the door without a lot of debate on her end.

I understand the need to focus on the mistress, but it's my experience that you're typically better off focusing on yourself, your marriage, and your husband. I know that this is difficult, but it can truly be worth it. Although I never would've believed this two years ago, I did eventually truly get over the affair. My marriage is stronger than ever. It took a lot of work, and I had to play the game to win, but it was worth it. Our bond and intimacy is much stronger and I no longer worry my husband will cheat again. You can read a very personal story on my blog at