Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Watch It! Or Your Wife Will Cheat on You!!

 Your Wife Will Cheat on You!

Men and women cheat for a variety of different reasons. Men most times would cheat once there is a girl or a woman available, but it is almost generally believed that married women especially in this part of the world would not cheat on their husbands except when there are reasons to do so. Now those reasons might sound genuine or not because we have some women who now behave like men when it comes to cheating, they just cheat for the fun of it, whether there is a reason to do so or not. But it is better for you as a guy to do what you are supposed to do and be what you are supposed to be so that you won’t give your woman a reason to cheat. Though it’s not a guarantee that your woman won’t cheat on you if you did all the right things, but I can tell you for free that if you let certain things linger, your woman will almost surely cheat on you, even if she has never done it before.
Firstly, Women desire to spend more time with their husbands but were often denied because of work, social activities and other things. When you leave your wife constantly, she is most likely to feel anger towards you even if she does not express it. Some men would come back from work, take their bath, eat dinner, take a little nap and then go out again to party or just hang out with friends before coming back home later in the night. And then same man would leave for work early in the morning and it would be like the wife never saw him throughout the week. An average loving wife simply wants her husband to spend more time with her and maybe the kids, she doesn’t want to feel like a second or third priority to her husband’s jobs or social lives. But when they find out their husband is not reciprocating the same level of desire to maintain a strong connection in the marriage, they become susceptible to finding that connection elsewhere without even planning it. So, to avoid that, spend quality time with your wife.

Secondly, know that conflicts will come in marriages, and these conflicts must be resolved before they snowball into something bigger. In resolving conflicts, effective communication is important; as inability to communicate effectively often leads to marriage conflicts going unresolved. And even after communication, the lack of resolution or change in future behavior might leave your wife feeling frustrated. When an issue has been identified and talked about, women expect to see resolution. For instance, if she complains about you not coming home in good time, or not spending enough time with her and the kids, she expects that after talking about it, you should take a step towards making things better than they were. Not just to say, “I will do better” or “I will change” and you never would. You need to realize that lack of effective communication and inability to resolve conflicts are precursors to cheating. In other words, the attraction to marital infidelity will begin to grow for your wife when those unresolved issues continue to be a source of conflict in your marriage, and you might just be pushing her further away from you.

Lastly, it is no secret that all women crave attention and more intimacy in their marriages. If they can’t get those, the void might eventually get filled by an affair partner. When you stop showing your wife the affection that she needs as a woman, when she misses your touch, when she misses the feeling of being wanted as a woman, she might just start to think about an affair even if she had never had one before. A lot of men talk and gist their wives before they got married, but after marriage, they rarely would have enough time to discuss except if such a thing was something serious, you as a man should know that your wife wants to talk to you about everything and anything. She wants to chat with you about the latest shoes, bags, her work-place drama and more. And most times, a woman just wants to feel better about herself, and know she is considered a worthy partner in the marriage. And this you can do by paying more attention to that wife of yours and you might never have to worry about her cheating on you.

In conclusion: every marriage is different, and I am not saying the points above are excuses for a woman to cheat in a marriage. But most cheating women didn’t actively seek out extra-marital affairs the way most men did. They just grew more frustrated in their marriages and the partner they cheated with became more desirable. And when the opportunity arose, there was less hesitation to stray. So men, give quality time to your wives, resolve conflicts and pay attention to the madams, then you might never have to worry about a thing. Stay Safe

Monday, 27 July 2015

6 Stupid Things Cheaters Do That Put Them In Trouble


Cheating is much more common than was previously thought. People cheat for a variety of reasons but that is not what we would be discussing in this article, rather, we shall focus on the common things cheaters believe and portray in their actions that gets them caught. As such, if you’re the type that has a sneaking suspicion that the person you are dating is cheating on you, then you might want to digest the pointers in this writeup if you intend to catch them in the act.
You might have thought catching them in the act would be a herculean task, but be rest assured that it is much more easier than you envisage. This is mostly so because cheaters make costly mistakes repeatedly. They are mostly uncaring and indifferent about issues. And this is how you catch them.

Cheaters believe they will never be caught.

Cheaters mostly believe believe that they can’t and won’t be caught at their game. This thought process is a key factor that helps betray them because it makes them braver and more cocky which inadvertently escalates their affinity to take risks because they believe no one can penetrate them.
Certain men and women are smart enough to carry on their cheating game for years without their true partners getting to know, but this is rare and far between because even the smartest of long-term cheaters usually arrive at a point where their absurd and ridiculous lies can no longer be hidden and the truth eventually comes out.

READ:Why Do Husbands Cheat on Faithful Wives?

A lot of people accustomed to cheating always seem surprised when their romantic partners seem angry or upset over an issue. This action can mostly be attributed to the fact that they expect their partners to forgive them without much rancour because they see most of the offences they commit as trivial. This same attitude is portrayed when they cheat too which is usually an intentional and purposeful act they carried out secretively.

Cheaters believe they aren’t really doing anything wrong.

This might seem odd or even weird, but yes, some active cheaters actually think they are not doing anything wrong by cheating on their partners when in fact they are hurting them.
Well, the cheerful thing about this is that most people who engage in cheating and think they are right to do so always leave discerning signs of their atrocities. This singular fact makes it easier for you to catch your partner or spouse cheating and take whatever action you so deem fit.

READ: Real Men or Real Cheats
Cheaters will change their appearance.

When men and women engage in the cheating game, they sometimes have a feeling of freshness and rejuvenation and as such they begin to pay more attention to their physical appearance.
In truth, there could be several reasons why your partner decided to change his or her wardrobe but note that it can also be a sign of cheating. Most people might not know this, but it is a common sign that might leave you wondering what your spouse or partner is thinking when openly making these changes.

 Cheaters make themselves unavailable.

It is common for a suspecting husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend to attempt to contact their significant other when they have no idea where they are or could be at a particular point in time.
This attempt at keeping in contact is mostly made through the phone. However, the mistake a lot of cheaters make is that they refuse to pick their phones. If you find your partner seemingly leaving you out of the loop and ignoring any attempt you made to contact them, then they may be cheating on you.
Cheaters will talk and flaunt too much.

Perhaps because of their belief that they are invincible and will not get caught, a lot of cheaters get bolder and make the mistake of talking about their affairs with people.
This mistake could include getting much bolder by meeting publicly instead of meeting in secret. A lot of cheaters fail to realize that people talk, even those that are closest to them. As a matter of fact, a lot of people get to know about their cheating partners this way.
These real and mostly careless mistakes are a few of the many mistakes cheaters make. Try if you may to be on the lookout for these red flags as they can serve as indicators to the affairs of your significant other.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

5 Sure-fire Ways To Sabotage Your Relationship

 When we sabotage relationships, recognizing destructive behaviors is a vital step toward change.

Men  of trauma often react in defensive manners. It’s understandable. Survivors would do anything not to relive such pain. It becomes a problem when these reactions find their way into the relationships we want to keep close. I consider this “reactive mode.”

Reactive mode is one where we give both positive and negative feedback to others without taking much time to clearly think through our response. It’s a kneejerk reaction we deploy in critical situations.

Which is why this type of response is more prevalent in familiar settings.

READ MORE:Download your Copy - Body Language Cues Of A Cheating Partner by Kajay Williams

One of those settings, of the utmost importance, is our immediate relationship…our relationship that really matters to us. I call these “significant relationships.”

Have you realized you tend to be more patient with people who are not as close, or important to you?

Have you wondered why you this is the case?

We want our near and dear to think well of us. We care about what they think.

This is not so much the case for those with whom we have a closer, or longer term relationship. We tend to take them for granted.

Am I the only one who shares these sentiments? I don’t think so.

What tends to happen in our busy world where our reactions are more immediate to those close to us?

Without realizing it, we sabotage those relationships. Have you lived these five signs of sabotage?

1. Stereotyping

Stereotyping is attributing to someone a set of qualities because of their background … a group to which they belong. In this case, it would be a family, friend or cultural group.

Let me illustrate with my own relationship.

My wife and I are from Jamaica. Certain stereotypes are attributed to most women from Jamaica. One of those is that they know how to cook and will follow the tradition of having weekend meals of soup and rice and peas with a meat dish.

When I married my wife, I could easily hold onto this tradition and expect her to have a meal or meals made on the weekend–typical of a Jamaican household.

My expectation, which would be not expressed because I assumed she should know this, even though she grew up in the States from early childhood, is this would be our weekend experience.

This has not been the case. I could easily get frustrated and become cold, distant and irritable if I chose. It’s a textbook example of how stereotyping could sabotage my relationship— simply because she didn’t follow tradition.

2. Relying On Old Information

Most of us who have had longterm relationships, have formed opinions of those individuals, which we hold onto. This leads into not giving a person a chance to grow, mature and change.

It is true, most of what we know of other people hasn’t been created out of thin air. They are the ones who gave us the script to read. They acted in certain ways and said things to give us data about them, which we now store.

However, that information given to us may have been presented under duress, during their immature stage of life, or in their attempt to create an unsustainable impression.

Now they have “grown” up and matured. They manage their stress. They no longer need to impress. But what do we do? We don’t let go of the past. It is used as leverage, or an excuse to behave a certain way.

This is one sure way of sabotaging your relationship with your mate, colleague, business partner or customer.

3. Practice Inflexibility

This is what we do with the Old Information stated above…we refuse to be flexible, to change.

Sometimes this is our way of remaining in control. It’s a powerthing. We have something with which to draw on when we need to have the upper hand. It is our Old Information Card.

We keep this card in our back pocket, so to speak. It might be perceived as a security weapon.

As much as it may serve you, it sure isn’t serving your relationships. On the contrary, it is slowly sabotaging it.

Have you experienced this? Have you done this?

Even though you’ve been faced with evidence running contrary to your old information, you refuse to let go of it. Why? It’s a manner of being in control.

4. Keep The Blame Game Alive

I’ve yet to find a relationship that survives when the blame game is played continuously.

I know there are times evidence can be overwhelming, where the blame lies squarely at the feet of another. I get that.

However, it is so much easier to shift the blame onto others rather than accept responsibility.

When we are in blame mode, we overlook the fact  situations or circumstances are contributing factors to events. We make a lot of assumptions.
In my practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist, I see this a lot. Most times that is the posture couples take when they come into my office. They want me to align with one side as they point the blame at the other person for the demise of their relationship. Little do they know, this accomplishes only one thing: sabotaging the very relationship for which they want help.

When you stop the blamegame, you take responsibility for the role in your transpiring events.

5. Refuse To Take Responsibility

When you refuse to take responsibility, it is for one of these reasons: i) To save your skin; to look “good” (self preservation), or ii) Pride.

If you have other reasons, and there may very well be, I would love to hear them.

Researchers have a name for this behavior: it is called “selfserving bias.” What this means is that we perceive our behavior as more positive than others’ behavior.  It is the tendency to take credit for the good things that happen to you while refusing to take blame for something that goes bad.

As I mentioned above, it is also an issue of pride. We don’t want to have to humble ourselves and say, “I did it. It’s my fault. I was wrong. Please forgive me.” Some people find apologizing exceedingly hard.

When we fail to take responsibility, blame others, remain inflexible, hold onto old information and stereotype, we have created a recipe for relationship failure.

Which of these surefire ways to sabotage relationships are you guilty of, or have you experienced?

I would like to know your thoughts. Please leave your feedback below.

- See more at: http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/5-sure-fire-ways-to-sabotage-your-relationships-h2l/#sthash.NkGI7pyR.dpuf
- See more at: http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/5-sure-fire-ways-to-sabotage-your-relationships-h2l/#sthash.NkGI7pyR.dpuf
- See more at: http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/5-sure-fire-ways-to-sabotage-your-relationships-h2l/#sthash.NkGI7pyR.dpuf

Friday, 24 July 2015

She knocked down Cheating Teacher Husband!

Maria Addis, 34, knocked down teacher husband Mark, 37, at 2mph after learning about his fling with the teenager

Maria Addis, 34, knocked down teacher husband Mark, 37, at 2mph after learning about his fling with the teenager
Mark Addis with Lucy Gill Photo: Wales News Service Ltd.
 An angry wife drove her car at her teacher husband after discovering his affair with an 18-year-old former pupil.
Barnado's charity worker Maria Addis, 34, knocked down husband Mark, 37, after learning about his fling with the teenager.
A court heard mother-of-two Addis shouted: "She's only 18 years old" - before driving at the PE teacher with her Chevrolet car.
Rugby player Mr Addis, her husband of 15 years, was confronted by his wife over his love affair with teenager Lucy Gill.
Barnardo's worker Addis was due to stand trial for dangerous driving - but changed her plea to avoid "airing her dirty laundry in public".
Jeremy Jenkins, defending, said: "Things got out of hand against a background where Addis was seeking to get the truth from her husband about an extra marital affair with a former pupil.
"It was a misjudgement to move the car forward in the direction of her former husband. But it was brought about by the circumstances that prevailed at the time.
"She was candid in interview and accepted that the situation got the better of her. " 

Maria Addis drove her car at her teacher husband Mark Addis after learning about the affair (Wales News)
Addis and her husband were seen arguing in the road in Glyncoch near Pontypridd, South Wales, where she was heard shouting about the girl's age.
The court heard how her husband was demanding his phone back because he didn't want her to see "certain messages" on it.Mother-of-two Addis pushed him into a bush before locking herself in the family car. 

Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court heard her husband stood in front of the vehicle with his arms outstretched - before then banging on the car. But she was seen by a witness edging forward at 2mph "nudging" her husband who fell to the ground clutching his leg. Prosecutor Hywel Hughes said: "She was nudging him with the car causing him to move backwards and fall to the ground. 

"The man was holding his left leg and groaning."

Addis, of Church Village, near Pontypridd, had denied dangerous driving and common assault. But she admitted careless driving in May rather than face the "tawdry affair" going to trial.
The judge ordered the assault charge to lie on the girl - and the court was told that she was glad the case had "finally come to an end".

Addis was fined 500 and had seven penalty points imposed on her licence.
Judge Richard Twomlow told her: "This incident was a stupid incident and did not bring much credit on any participant in it."Mr Addis, a PE teacher at Aberdare Community School, and Miss Gill both declined to comment after the case. He is listed on Facebook as being in a relationship with financial planner Miss Gill. 

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Download your Copy - Body Language Cues Of A Cheating Partner by Kajay Williams

Understanding body language, especially cues that may indicate if your partner is cheating, is simpler and easier than facing eight other players around the poker table. For one, the milieu is different; poker is played for money or fun, while in cheating, you’re always the one on the losing end.

While deception, deceit and lying are deliberate and heavily involved in both cases, things will
never go your way when you do find out your partner is cheating on you.

Learn how to determine those body language cues that are given off by you cheating partner but you do not pick up.

Download your copy 

 Good Luck.


Monday, 6 July 2015

Why Do Husbands Cheat on Faithful Wives?

Based on the ever popular TV show Cheaters, more men and women are getting caught in the act every-night. The real question is, why do husbands cheat on their wives? More importantly, what can women do about it? In this article I'm going to share some suggestions and we are going to look at some cold hard facts.

It has been calculated that more than 50% of all men will use some type of deception, in hiding that they are cheaters. Ladies, these are not very good odds and you must learn how to put the probabilities back in your favor. If you are going to have an edge, you must self educate yourself on better communication skills, hypnotic suggestions and how to enhance your sex life.

Read More: Why Don't Cheating Husbands Just Leave Their Wives?

One of the first guys I dated online, actually lead a double life! One minute he was a prominent lawyer, the next minute, he was dating any other chick he could find online. When we went out to eat, I started feeling like his trophy! I had met him on match.com and we both agreed to leave match.com. I let him think I closed my match.com dating account and I thought he closed his. One girlfriend advised me to keep my account, just to see if he really closes his and to my dismay, I caught him talking to other women!

Needless to say, that relationship was over and I had learned a good lesson. Signing up to numerous dating sites, I kept seeing his profile popping up everywhere and this guy proved to be a complete and total womanizer. Women, we need to quit being so naive and we need to start becoming online detectives. More importantly, we need to learn how to read a man's body language. For example, if I look a man in the eyes and say something to him about other women, and he looks down to the floor, then I know he is hiding something from me.

One my best girlfriends had a husband who cheated on her and she finally caught him in the act, by checking his cell phone messages, while he was in the shower. Keep in mind, her husband made a lot of money as a real estate investor. Most men who are wealthy, also love to be playboys and they certainly will not win best husbands of year. The more money a man has today, the easier it is for him to catch a young attractive woman in her early 20s.

When she confronted her husband about cheating, at first he denied everything, until she revealed the messages on his cell phone and then he came clean, but what makes this story very interesting is, what the husband told her about why he was cheating. He felt that he was not getting enough attention and he wanted a younger woman with a tighter vagina. I advised her that one of the reasons I practice vagina tightening exercises everyday is, because of this very fact!

I've had my boyfriend talk to other men who cheat and they all have something in common. They want a younger woman and they want a tighter vagina. Ladies, this is a wake-up call to start taking care of your body and strengthening your vagina, which in turn, will improve your sex life for your partner. Understanding why your husband cheats on you is just the beginning and you need a good guide that will instruct you on how to help keep the home fires burning.


Friday, 3 July 2015

How to stop cheating on your partner!

Are you cheating on your partner and want to stop it? Read on to find how to stop cheating on your partner and be loyal. 


You may be married or in a love relationship and everything is working just fine. One fine day you meet an old crush, friend or a lover and are overwhelmed with nostalgia. You begin by sending text messages, making phone calls and exchanging emails in the name of friendship and enjoy it too. You then start meeting for lunch or maybe coffee.

It brings a fresh feeling to your life that is run out of romance. Before you realize you fall into another relationship that can turn your world topsy turvy. To avoid such heart breaking situations and stop cheating your partner, read on and collect yourself.

How does cheating begin?

You have met someone new and the chemistry between you two sends out sparks. You love spending time with this person and would give up almost anything for another meeting or date. You start neglecting your present partner, do not have time for them and suddenly start losing interest. The friendship with the significant other is blossoming in to a full blown affair. In your heart you know it is wrong but do not accept it. You start find faults with your present relationship to justify your affair. You get into an extra marital affair and soon you are cheating on your partner. Controlling your feelings seems impossible. Although you may feel guilty you continue your affair.

Why is it difficult to give up cheating?

It is hard to give up cheating because it is like an addiction. You know there is something that is bad but you like it. It is fulfilling some need. For example, if you seek intellectual stimulation and your partner is not providing that, you may find yourself getting attracted to somebody who is brainy and fulfills your mental needs. Every little text message, every call and every meeting becomes special, even if it is not going anywhere in the future. Your needs, emotional or physical, are being met by somebody else and you will find it difficult to give it up since you find it difficult to let go off all the stimulation and need fulfillment. You cannot suddenly deal with a vacuum within you. That is why you may find it very difficult to stop cheating.

How to stop cheating and stay faithful
Difficult as it may feel and be, it is not an impossible task. Even after one quits smoking, he goes through painful feelings but certainly survives. You will live too, that too a good life. Stopping yourself from cheating can mean saving lot of trouble and instability. You have to stop something that is wrong. Here are a few ways that can help you stop cheating and stay faithful to your partner.
  • Avoid constant messaging and phone calls
  • Remember you have a partner who loves you
  • Avoid thinking what it could be and what you do not have
  • Control your urge to meet up for just one last time, even if it is to end
  • Call up your ‘other’ or email that you cannot be in the relationship
  • Remember it is not over until it is over
  • Talk to your husband or wife about what you expect from your relationship
  • Avoid waiting for the right moment to stop cheating. Just do it
  • Imagine what will be the consequences if you are found out
  • Concentrate towards making your present relationship better
  • Meet long lost friends or new ones along with your girlfriend or boyfriend
  • Count your blessings and you will see that life has treated you well
  • Avoid criticising and comparing your partner
  • Avoid comparing your situation with the movies. You are for real
  • Show respect towards your partner’s trust and emotions
  • Spend more time with your partner. Do special things
  • Avoid being negative about your relationship or married life
  • Share with your partner if you are not happy about something. It works
  • Consult a therapist or relationship expert if everything else fails
In the journey of life you will meet many people, far richer and more beautiful or handsome than your partner. Every time you meet one, you might meet another who is even better. There will always be temptations beckoning you towards themselves. But remember, no one is perfect, not even you.

No one person can fulfill all your needs. So stop being judgmental and focus on making your relationship better. Avoid looking around for new people; it will only create discontent within your heart. Being loyal is not about not being attracted, but remembering you have a loving partner, every time you get attracted.

Have you ever cheated on your partner? Did you do anything to stop cheating? What would you do if your partner confessed to you about an extra marital affair? To share your views and experiences, click here.