Sunday, 27 September 2015

2 Ways to Catch Your Cheating Husband

Have seen the signs, and your mind has been putting the pieces together. Your husband has been coming home late or keeps very long hours under the pretext of work. When your husband comes home, after a silent dinner, he hops online and dismisses your questions with weird excuses... If you're worrying that your honey is up to something funny, and you truly want to find out, here are some approaches that might just help confirm what you suspect.

But before you rush all into this process, you need to spend a few days thinking about what you intend to do if or when your worst suspicions are eventually confirmed. You need to ask yourself if you so committed to your partner that you would never bring an end to the relationship, whatever the outcome of your sleuthing? If so, then it may be better to turn a blind eye to their indiscretions and spare yourself the agony of knowing the sordid details. Is believing that your husband is cheating on you in the first place an indication that there is something fundamentally wrong with your relationship, and you simply want an excuse to end it? In which case, it is on the rocks already, and it may be more productive devoting your energies to rescuing it or just getting out altogether.

 So, once you decide to investigate, be prepared to deal with what you find, good or bad.

1. Use a baby monitor.

This is really cheap, low-tech way of listening in. Of course, if there are no babies in your life at the moment, this can be a bit tricky, but you can get around that. Wait till he goes out "shopping" one day, and hit the local gizmo shop. Get a basic baby monitor, a can of spray paint that will blend with where you will put the transmitter, and a roll of matching masking tape (just in case the transmitter has blinking LEDs on it).
  • Paint the transmitter (the baby/secret side) with the spray paint. Cover up the microphone hole before you paint so you don't gum up the works, and don't over-paint. You don't want that thing to be stinking up the house.
  • Go to the room where you think he'll be making calls, and keep the transmitter in a discrete location where he's unlikely to look. Behind some books, or the couch, or if you're really hapless, somewhere in the bedroom or bath.
  • Power it up, and put a portable radio in the room turned down to about human-whisper-and-giggle level. Go into your man(woman) cave, and turn on the receiver. Can you hear the radio? If so, you're ready to go. If not, make adjustments until you can hear the transmitter signal clearly.
  • When that phone call comes, and he says "I have to get this... it's work," say, "Okay, honey, I'll be in the man cave surfing the 'Net for..." (You can say anything there: after he hears Okay, honey, I'll be..., he'll already have too much adrenaline pumping through her to hear you, anyway.) Go to your room, turn on the monitor, power up your recorder (phone, tape, whatever you've got), and listen to what happens next. Should you hear what you fear, call him a taxi, and send Mr. Macho on a one-way ticket to town. Of course, if you hear "Okay, I'll have that report by tomorrow, boss, and I.... wait, what's this... a transmitter?," you might want to take that taxi yourself. You're going to be in hot water.

2. Record digitally with a digital recorder.

There is a range of digital records, from pens, or thumb drives, or even phone look-alikes that are voice activated. That means you can just set one wherever you think your spouse may go for his or her phone fun, and when it happens, the electrical spy will spring into action, like a steel trap. Check that trap at your convenience, and good luck!

There you are. You can always look out for more ways to stop him from cheating on you but remember that there are consequences if he is truly not cheating and catches you instead.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

3 Ways To Mend A Broken Heart

3 Ways to Mend A Broken Heart
One of the most traumatic things that can happen to a person is to have a breakup with the one that you love. Breakups occur every minute and every hour of the day. They are nothing new in any society. That's all well and good but what happens if you are the one going through the pain of a breakup? You are probably wondering what the best ways to mend a broken heart are.

There are many ways to mend a broken heart. Some will work better for you than others. You'll need to find the one method that works best for you because of your interests, personality, or lifestyle.

1) Find a cause. There's nothing like a worthy cause to occupy your mind and your time. This is why it's such an effective method for getting over and recovering from a broken heart. If you fill your every spare moment with thoughts and actions dedicated to helping your cause (children's hospital, favorite charity, habitat for humanity, and countless other worthy causes) you'll find less of your time is devoted to thinking about your broken heart or worrying about what your ex is doing, who your ex is with, and why your ex left.

2) Become your own cause. If there isn't a cause out there that really interests you become your own project. What area of your life can you improve? Would you like to go back to school? How about traveling to see the world? Want to get into shape? Learn a new skill? You can do all of these things now without worry over what your ex will think. Do them for you.

3) Start dating again. Love is a great healer. It makes sense that it is also one of the more effective ways to mend a broken heart. Allow yourself to love again and you'll enjoy many rewards. Avoid rebound relationships (relationships that are intense but brief because they go too far too fast) but open your heart so that you can find love again when you're ready.

Read More Here:   How to Heal Your Heart Break

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

The time and day you're most likely to catch a cheating spouse

In news that gives new meaning to the phrase "hump day," -- the infamous site for people seeking affair partners -- has revealed that Wednesday is the most popular day for people to cheat, The Huffington Post reported.

The infidelity site surveyed 172,000 of its users about the day and time of day they most often stepped out on their spouses.

Wednesday, between 5 and 7 p.m., received the dubious distinction, with more than 18 percent of respondents selecting the particular timeframe.