Tuesday, 30 September 2014

How Do You Bring An End To Your Spouse's Affair

End Your Spouse Affair
End Your Spouse Affair

If your spouse was involved in an affair, it is their responsibility to bring it to an end. If you try to end it yourself by contacting the other person you most likely will not succeed. This is something that has to be worked out by your spouse only, and it can be more difficult if they are living some kind of fantasy love affair.

What you must do is have your spouse show that they are vested in your marriage. Your spouse must also show that when the affair has ended so has the behavior that leads to the affair in the first place. If the behavior has not changed the chance for a repeat is too great.
It sounds crazy but you will feel like your spouse holds the power now. It is up to them to end the affair, save your marriage or leave you. You do not have many options while you are waiting for the affair to end, don't feel alone for this is natural situation.

If after finding out about the affair you were filled with anger, you know you have a great sense of what is right or wrong. Do not let your self-esteem take a beating over all of this, you are not the first to experience this and you can make it through it all.
Remember that getting caught cheating was not part of your spouse's plan. Now they have to make a choice between you and saving the relationship and marriage or continuing their relationship with the other person. They have been put in a position they did not foresee happening.

To help your spouse make the right decision you need to be the one with a clear vision of what to do.

Below are three tips that can help you out.

1. Some people are able to give their spouse time to put an end to their relationship. There may be a small minority that will put up with it, but if you can stand the fact your spouse is with someone else it's time to for you to make a choice. Do you stay and try to save your marriage or do you move on? You must decide what you want.

2. It may be hard to make a good decision right after finding out your spouse has been cheating on you; your anger will cloud your judgment. Once a few days have passed you will be thinking more clearly and can make more rational decisions. Will you stay with your spouse until they make a decision about stopping the affair? This and other decisions must be made by you so you can move forward to save the marriage or move on.

3. Once you have made your decision give your spouse what you want and expect. Give them a timeline so they will not drag out the situation forever. Be firm and confident so they know you mean business and they can't get over on you. Since you cannot change who they are the best you can do is influence how they act so they will behave better in the future.

Hopefully these tips can get you started on the right path to saving your marriage. You may have many years invested in the relationship or have been married for a few months. Either way a marriage can be saved after an affair.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Signs Your Ex Boyfriend Still Likes You

Ex Boyfriend Still Likes Me
Ex Boyfriend Still Likes Me
While breakups happen, many of us have hope that the relationship can be repaired. That means that we're looking for signs that our ex is still interested, too. However, it can be easy to turn that hope into a false certainty that your ex boyfriend still wants the relationship to go on. If you're wondering what the signs your ex boyfriend still likes you might be, here are a few things to think about.

Are there any other people in your ex boyfriend's life that he's been hanging around a lot? New people might be a way of getting over the breakup, or they could be potential new romantic interests. If you suspect that your boyfriend is in the process of finding someone else, don't panic.

We often hook up with other people on the rebound after a breakup, after all. This new love affair could be short lived. You can't assume it will be, though, and you should never try to break up any of your ex boyfriend's friendships or relationships because you'd rather renew your old relationship. This almost always backfires, and it will make you look clingy, desperate, and ruthless - not things you'd like your ex to be thinking about you!

If you think you're seeing signs your ex boyfriend still likes you, stop and look at your circumstances. If he's asking if you're seeing anyone, calls, emails or texts you frequently, or regularly invites you to do things, he might still be interested. Always make sure that you're in a situation where you feel comfortable re-entering the relationship, however. If nothing has changed, it's time to take a look at what the problems in the relationship were. There's a chance that by looking at things differently, and going slow, you'll be able to restart the relationship and have it be more successful.

Of course, there's always the chance that you don't want to get back with your ex boyfriend and are worried that he wants to restart things. If that's the case, make sure that your position is clear. You don't have to be cruel or confrontational, but you should make sure you're not inadvertently leading him to false conclusions.

If you're seeing affectionate gestures and interest in being around you, there's a chance that your ex is still interested. By taking things slowly and not jumping to conclusions, you have the best chance of being able to successfully restart the relationship. Just make sure you're both on the same page.

Friday, 26 September 2014

What To Say To Your Husband's Mistress

Stop My Husband's Mistress
Stop My Husband's Mistress
I often get emails from wives asking for guidance on how to deal with or talk to their husband's mistress. I recently heard from a woman who said, in part: "My husband won't give up the other woman. I think that this is partly because she won't back off. It's obvious that she is not going to stop until she has my husband all to herself. She has been texting me and asking if we can meet to talk about this. I want to see her face to face, but, as silly as this sounds, I'm not sure what to say to her. I'm afraid if I start talking, all of the anger and pain will come pouring out and I'll lose control over my emotions and say or do something I'm going to regret. I don't want to show her that she's gotten under my skin. But I want to tell her to back off and get out of our lives. What can I say to accomplish this?"

The wife usually goes with an agenda. And, this is often to size up the mistress, make her believe that the marriage is going to be saved so there is no place for her, and convince her to just go away. But, the mistress usually has her own agenda and the two often can not happen at the same time. She will usually not fight all that fairly and her goal is usually to make you have more (instead of less) doubts. In short, she wants to size you up as much as you want to do the same to her. She wants to get a feel of who she is dealing with. And she will typically use any knowledge that she gains against you and any negativity that you give her to justify her own actions.

In short, it's my experience that this a situation in which the wife can't win. Because she's going to try to appeal to the moral compass and compassion of someone who hasn't shown all that much of the same. She certainly hasn't respected your marriage and your feelings up until this point, so why would she start now? Many wives tell me that they are hoping if the mistress sees that she's dealing with a real person and real family, she might back off. And, this can sometimes make her take pause.
But, think about it. She likely would not have requested the meeting (or agreed to meet) if she weren't still invested in the relationship with your husband. If the relationship was completely over and there was nothing left for her, she would likely just walk away without all the fanfare and the need to meet. You ask to ask yourself what is in this for you (and what she's hoping to accomplish.) I know that you very much hope that this is going to give you closure and control, but it so rarely does. Often, the mistress will make you believe that your husband was the pursuer (and still is.) Typically, you'll walk away from this meeting even more insecure and doubtful than when you started.

It's actually my opinion that you should never give the mistress an "in." What I mean by this is if you're trying to salvage your marriage, this woman has absolutely no place in it. You are only giving her more power over you by continuing to include her. It's my experience that your best bet is to just ignore her, refuse to engage, and ask your husband to do the same.

And truthfully, if someone in your family is going to tell her to go away, it needs to be your husband. She is only going to believe and heed these words if they come from him. Because if they come from you, she's going to run right to your husband and report back. This is going to give her (at least in her mind) a reason to need to contact him and engage again. Do not give her any such ammunition.
I'm fully aware that although this insight might make sense to you, you may well still feel that you need to talk to this woman. I do respect and understand this. But my advice would be that if you absolutely have to talk to the mistress, you make the conversation incredibly short and one sided. Say what you need to say and then walk away. (This is why a letter or an email can be preferable because she can't engage or interrupt you, but be careful of what you put in writing.)

Ask yourself what you truly want for her to know and to take away from this. For most women, it's that her actions were extremely deplorable and you want for them to end immediately. If you go into a long rant about how she's hurt your family, you show your vulnerability. You want to appear strong, capable, and in control. To that end, you could simply say that you are fully aware of her actions and don't want her anywhere near any members of your family from today forward. Period.
Many wives want to go into how they are going to save the marriage or the dynamics of the relationship. I don't think you should go there. Your marriage is none of her business. She has no place within it. And bringing up it, again, in her mind, might be another "in." Your goal really is to swiftly and decidedly shut the door without a lot of debate on her end.

I understand the need to focus on the mistress, but it's my experience that you're typically better off focusing on yourself, your marriage, and your husband. I know that this is difficult, but it can truly be worth it. Although I never would've believed this two years ago, I did eventually truly get over the affair. My marriage is stronger than ever. It took a lot of work, and I had to play the game to win, but it was worth it. Our bond and intimacy is much stronger and I no longer worry my husband will cheat again. You can read a very personal story on my blog at http://surviving-the-affair.com

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Ways to Make Your Ex Girlfriend Miss You and Want You Back

Make Your Ex Want You Back
Make Your Ex Want You Back

So your relationship has ended and you're far from happy about it. In your eyes, you just want to be given another chance and show her you can make her happy unlike anyone else. The thing is, your ex girlfriend might be too set in her ways and won't even consider giving you another chance. To help, here I've compiled the top 2 ways to make your ex girlfriend miss you AND want you back.

Make Her Miss You Like Crazy

Making your ex girlfriend miss you isn't really hard, but you do need the backbone to be consistent with it. But I think you might know what I'm going to say.

You need to remove your availability. When you were together, you were pretty much available to her all the time, except for when you had work duties. Now that you're apart, you need to stop allowing her to hang out with you all the time. If you're already not talking to one another, the only problem now is for you to STOP contacting her.

How do you do that without going crazy? You need to do what someone who doesn't care would do. Keep yourself busy and make some new friends to hang out with. There's something about the excitement of meeting new people that will help take your mind off things faster than if you just hanged out with old friends.

Variety is key here.

Make Her Want You Back

Making her miss you is just about discipline. Sooner or later she'll start contacting you or giving you signs that she's missing you. When this happens, you need to keep your cool and take things slow.

Stick with your plan of not settling for friendship and let her reach out to you at least 3 times in a row before moving onto a date. Remember to keep things casual and light and resist bringing up the past relationship unless you're sure she is definitely interested in coming back again.

If you're serious about getting your ex girlfriend back and you think you can handle what it takes, head over to Get Her Back now and obtain the step-by-step plan that is changing men's minds about women from around the world.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Do Husbands Think That Wives Who Stay After The Affair Are Naive Or Stupid?

Survive An Affair!
Survive An Affair!

The decisions that you have to make after your husband cheats or has an affair are often grueling. And perhaps none is as quite as difficult as deciding if you're going to stay or go. Taking inventory of how you really feel and what you really want often is not quite as easy or as obvious as some might think. And unfortunately, many of us not only worry about our own thoughts and feelings, we're also worried about what other people think of us and our decision.

I recently heard from a wife who was leaning toward staying with her husband after he cheated and had an affair. This decision did not come easily and she did not take it lightly. But, the deciding factor for her was her desire to not just walk away from her marriage without first trying everything in her power to save it. Of course, every one had their own opinion on her decision. Some of her friends and family were very vocal and open with their disapproval. The wife said, in part: "my mother says that my husband is not going to have any respect for me and is going to think I'm stupid for staying with him after he cheated or had an affair. She says that he's going to think I'm a door mat so that he can continue on with his bad behavior and I'll stay no matter what. I certainly don't want this. Do men think their wives are stupid when they stay after infidelity?"

I suppose the answer to this question probably depends upon the husband, the marital history, and the circumstances surrounding the affair. So, while I don't know those factors and can't form a definitive opinion, I can tell you what many husbands tell me regarding this issue.

In My Experience, Most Men Are So Relieved Their Wives Are Staying And Standing By Them After An Affair That They Don't Make Moral Judgments: Of course, you can't say that every man is going to react in the same way or have the same feelings. But men who comment or contact me on my infidelity blog seem to be overwhelmingly relieved when their wife decides to stay with them. To be fair, the blog's topic is saving marriages after an affair so it's probably not going to attract the men who aren't interested or invested in their marriages.

But, I can't remember any husband indicating that his wife was stupid or lacking in self esteem for staying with him. In fact, many don't really question or delve too deeply into your reasons for staying. They're simply grateful that you made the decision that you did and many are looking for ways to make sure the marriage survives and that they don't cheat again.

And frankly, many men know that it is not in their best interest to be too judgmental or critical of you and your decisions when it's their decisions that got you here in the first place. A man who wants to save his marriage and make things up to his wife is hopefully not going to be dumb enough to think (or tell) that same wife that she's stupid for standing by him. Instead, he's just going to be grateful that she is and he's going to do everything in his power to make sure that this is a decision that she doesn't regret.

I occasionally have men who marvel at their wife's ability to be so forgiving. I've had some tell me that they themselves might not have reacted in the same way if the roles were reversed. But they will often tell you that this is because they are not as forgiving or as emotionally strong. They often don't see this decision as one born out of stupidity but rather one born out of emotional maturity and a forgiving nature. As a result, they often want to rise to the occasion so that you don't regret this decision.

The Decision Of Whether To Stay Or Go After Infidelity Is Yours Alone. Try Not To Worry About Anyone's Opinion: I know that this is easier said than done, but honestly, there are only two people involved here and only two people who should matter - you and your husband. Anyone else's opinion really should be irrelevant and a non factor. Only the two of you have all of the information and have to ultimately live with any decisions that you will make.

And although your husband is intimately involved in this situation, the decisions that affect your own life and well being are ultimately yours alone. If you are worried about what your husband might think of you if you decide to stay with him despite the cheating or the affair, then there's nothing wrong with sitting him down and making very clear that although you are making the decision to stay, this doesn't mean that you are stupid, lacking in self confidence, or giving him a free pass. It means that you want to stay provided that he can prove to you that staying is in your best interest because he intends to rehabilitate the marriage and himself.

A decision to stay certainly doesn't mean that the slate is going to be wiped clean or that things are just going to go back to normal. No, at least in my opinion, the decision to stay is only the beginning. It means that you're giving your husband the chance to prove to you that the marriage can be salvaged and the trust can be restored. However, the decision to stay can be changed or retracted at any time. This is being cautiously optimistic about wanting to save your marriage. It is not being stupid. You have to have the confidence that you are perfectly capable of making a sound and informed decision. And should you receive information that indicates the decision was not the right call, then you will change it or make another one. And no one else's opinion should factor into that equation but your own.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Should You Try To Salvage Your Marriage After Your Wife's Affair?

Salvage your Marriage!
Salvage Your Marriage
A marriage partner's betrayal is one of the hardest things in life to forgive. Trust is the most important component that two people can share in a marriage relationship, and is the foundation on which their future together is built. Infidelity destroys the trust that was held dear and sacred between a husband and wife, sometimes irrevocably.

When should a husband forgive his wife for cheating on him?
Several factors need to be taken into consideration when attempting to decide whether a woman should be forgiven for cheating on her husband. The question foremost in the minds of most scorned husbands is whether the affair occurred because their partner no longer loved them, or whether their partner had found another man more attractive and sexually fulfilling, in which case the affair was based solely on lust.

If a husband had been unfaithful to his wife in the past, the affair may have been based on revenge, in which case it may be easier to understand and forgive her.
Once the true motivation for the affair is uncovered, a husband will be better equipped to decide whether it is worth it to salvage the marriage. The worst case scenario for the salvaging of a marriage after an affair is when the wife admits that she no longer loves her husband, and has fallen in love with another man. In this case there is little that a husband can do to save the marriage.

However, should a husband feel that he is still in love with his wife, despite her infidelity, and if she can convince him that she still loves him, and that the affair was a meaningless once-off mistake, there is a pretty good chance that the marriage can be saved.

This decision is usually reached when a wife shows true remorse and is willing to go to great lengths in order to make it up to her husband. In some cases a casual affair can make a marriage bond stronger and cause partners to be more attentive and considerate of each others needs.

If there are children involved, a husband may be more favorably disposed towards forgiving his wife for cheating on him. There is a much stronger motivation to save a marriage for the sake of the children who need a strong foundation. However, if a husband feels that he cannot forgive his wife, not even the unhappiness of the children in the marriage will convince him to try and save it.

A commitment to a lengthy process of healing is the best way to ensure success and couples can be heartened by the fact that many other couples have succeeded in making it work. Sometimes spouses need to take personal time off from each other to work through their feelings on their own, until they are emotionally ready to face the task of rebuilding their marriage.

Marriage counseling can sometimes be invaluable as emotions are more easily kept under control, and issues can more easily be resolved in the safe environment of a professional office with the sympathetic guidance of a counselor.

Unfortunately, there are times when it is not possible to save a marriage after an affair, and it may be better for couples to part ways when it becomes clear that trust and love cannot be regained. When love and trust are gone, there is nothing left to save and a marriage without love is worse than no marriage at all.

Even worse is salvaging a marriage only to live with fighting about the affair and being unable to put it to rest. If a husband cannot move on from the fact that his wife cheated on him, the marriage is not worth salvaging.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

4 Things You Should Do to Fix A Broken Heart

 Fix A Broken Heart
 Fix A Broken Heart
When you're going through a break up, it is really important that you know how to keep calm and handle it in the right way.  The importance of how to heal broken heart situations are some of the most basic skills that everyone should know but these lessons are not taught in school.  Getting over a break up and actually do something to fix a broken heart will be a valuable experience that allow you to resolve the next big hurdle in the relationship calmly.  Each people has their own way to heal a broken heart, but here are 4 steps that most people find really effective:

Step 1 - Understand that the issue might have been necessary to show you both your limitations.

No matter who triggered the breakup, hearts are broken each time a breakup takes place.  There are limits that couples must find in order to adjust how they work their relationship with each other.  These limits are overwhelmed sometimes and a broken heart arises.  Know that you could learn something out of this situation and move on.

Step 2 - Talk to friends regarding your break up.

Don't be negative when discussing your ex.  Ask friends the things they liked or disliked about your ex and the things they could have done wrong in the relationship.  Ask for straightforward responses about what you probably did wrong too.  Talking to friends will help to keep you grounded and get you prepared for the next step.

Step 3 - Go out on vacation.

A real vacation or a short time away will help you to have a great time and show you that you are okay without your ex lover.  You may even meet someone new or make several new friends that you could talk to about stuff that interest you.  You don't need to mention your ex throughout this time period since you'll want to have a great time.  Try to think about your ex as little as possible.  If it's not possible to take a vacation, try taking up a new hobby that keeps your mind occupied and requires concentration to keep your mind off of your ex.

Step 4 - Make alterations in your environment which help you to calm yourself and provide a calming environment that enables you to really feel great.

This will help you rest and regain a healthy mind and body that can help you to heal your broken heart.  This is a good option for those who have a busy life and simply cannot concentrate on the true goal of getting their life together to move on.

Are You Heart Broken and Want To Make Up? Discover The Best Way To Get Your Ex Back.

Once a broken heart is mended or the process has brought you to a better inner peace, it may be a great opportunity to get back into a relationship.  Meeting someone new is great, but it doesn't always have to be that way. Getting back together and fix your previous relationship is also a doable alternative.  If you manage to win your ex back and working together to fix the past problem that caused the break up, you might find yourself in an even stronger and healthier relationship.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Are These Good Reasons to Break Up With My Boyfriend?

A lot of times this question do ensue from a partner in a relationship and so the need to give an insight into it is key to making relationship work and also avoid break up.
It is very likely that the reasons why this question came up is because the one time wonderful relationship is now struggling to survive due to any of the reasons that will be mentioned here.

However despite the fact that the relationship has always been rocky and emotional, and various fights and conversations have happened which made you felt pretty sure it is not going anywhere in the end, you felt you should end it, but you are not sure.
This is not far fetched from the fact that you are just confused over a lot of things.

Below is a list of the several reasons why most young people in relationship are confused. This is based on what they consider as strong reasons to break up and other reasons why they feel they should not break up.

Reasons to break up:

1. Lack of similar interests
2. No initiative, never takes me out/suggests things to do
3. We often end up going too far sexually (he pushes my boundaries)
4. Does not care about religion or morality very much (important values for me)
5. Different morals
6. Weird ideas about the Holocaust?!
7. Emphasis on work/school as values (mine is 100% family)
8. Serious relationship, lots of drama. Often acts immature and selfish
9. I feel interested in other guys, do not feel committed
10. Sometimes wish for 'freedom'
11. Do not see marriage as a future
12. He can be unfriendly towards my family/friends
13. Is not very romantic
14. Feel lack of spiritual connection
15. Do not have great conversations

Reasons to stay together:
1. Cares genuinely about me
2. Is attractive
3. Loves me
4. Comfortable relationship
5. Want to share experiences with him
6. Want to help him and make him happy
7. Started off as good friends
8. Generally agree on relationship issues

[Get the best Guide on Staying In Your Relationship here ]

Well looking at the above list, it seems the bad outweighs the good.
That should really tell you that maybe you had a good shot while your love lasted but now it is time to move on to other people. If he does not respect your boundaries and your important values then in a way he does not respect you as they make up a big part of who you are.

Not saying that you should not give this a chance and try to make it work, but looking over your list makes it seem that maybe it is time to split up.

If it is your first love and then it is not unusual that it has not worked out.


Thursday, 11 September 2014

Divorce Advice - How to Stop My Divorce

How To Stop my Divorce
How To Stop my Divorce
If you are serious to stop your divorce, I would want you to clear all your doubtful thoughts in your mind right now. I would also urge you to stop doing anything to save your marriage because I need your highest concentration to listen to me first.

Here is my divorce advice on how to stop my divorce.

- Stop giving empty promises
Do not try to stop your divorce by reassuring your spouse with promises and continual lies. This is not going to work because your spouse is feeling tired about all your promises. He or she already knew that you are just lying to them.

- Stop declaring your undying love
Your marriage is at the brink of the divorce. Declaring your undying love is a wrong way to stop your divorce. Your spouse will not be interested to hear all these at this point of time. This is an absolutely wrong way to save your marriage.

- Never plead to stop my divorce
It is common that many people will plead to stop their divorce. You are actually showing out your neediness and desperation. Your spouse will actually think that you are a weak and emotional person. Being confident is better than showing out your neediness.

- Never try to argue or reason
Arguing or trying to reason further will make things worse. Your spouse is already feeling very angry so if you try to argue more, the angrier he or she will be.

I am sure your spouse was unhappy with the things were. You definitely need to improve and make things turn out better. Many times, a marriage failed because there was a lack of understanding in the marriage. My divorce advice to stop your divorce is to start learning how to understand your spouse.

Give yourself this chance to understand the most proven ways on How To Stop My Divorce.
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Tuesday, 9 September 2014

3 Tips For Fixing A Broken Heart

When you commit yourself into a relationship, you probably wouldn't have expected that, one day, you would need tips for fixing a broken heart. We all want a blissful relationship with our partner, yet in reality, when the relationship ends in a break up, we want to grab onto anything to mend our broken heart. I am here to walk through this journey with you. Thus, here are 3 tips to help you.

Tip #1: Understand What A Heartbreak Means
Before starting to repair the damages done to your heart, you have to understand what a heartbreak means. Many people fail in their process of mending their broken heart because they only know how they feel about the heartache. The key to successfully nursing and healing a heartbreak, is to understand what a heartbreak means.

Ask yourself, do you feel overwhelmed with mixed feelings of - despair,
  • anger,
  • sadness,
  • shame,
  • loss,
  • disappointment,
  • regret, etc?
List them down onto a notepad. This notepad, filled with deepest emotions, will help you to see which areas you have to work on to make yourself feel better. Once this list is up, start to work on them individually. Every time you complete a task, strike them out to let yourself know how much you have progressed and healed.
Note: Don't be afraid to list down your negative emotions. Be truthful about it. It is natural to feel all these negative feelings because when a relationship breaks up, you not only lose the company of someone you love and care about, you also lose a sense of security of your future. So start listing them down now.

Tip #2: Give Yourself Some Time To Come To Terms With The Break Up
Allowing yourself to mourn the loss of a beloved relationship, will help you a great deal in fixing your broken heart. I must bring to your attention that grief rarely comes all at once - because your body and mind will only give you what you can handle.
This means you may feel vengeful or frightened for awhile, and as you recover and may start to feel that it can return in the form of sadness or insecurity. Rest assured that your subconscious is intuitively doing this to protect you from being too overwhelmed, and that your behavior is normal.

Tip #3: Give Your Body What It Needs To Carry On Fighting For Your Happiness
In the beginning, you can become distracted by your painful emotions and neglect the voice from your body. Still, it is crucial, when you are healing from heartbreak, that you become aware of how inter-related your feelings and body state are. So it pays to treat your body with love and care, during this exhausting time of your life. You can indulge in your senses by...
  1. Visiting an art gallery or looking at nature;
  2. Listening to your favorite music artiste;
  3. Purchasing a new scent that makes you feel happy;
  4. Going to a cloth shop and touch different kinds of luxurious materials like suede, leather, silk, fur, etc;
  5. Focusing all your attention on how good your favorite food tastes.
It is crucial to give your body what it needs to continue fighting for your happiness. Because this journey of fixing a broken heart might require some time before it can come to effect.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Advice to Stop Your Divorce – Save Your Marriage Starting Today

Stop Your Divorce
Stop Your Divorce
You've decided that you want and need to stop your divorce. Save your marriage advice is what you seek. It's not an unusual situation to be in at all. Many couples contemplate the idea of divorce or start divorce proceedings only to realize that they can't imagine a future without their spouse. If you feel this now, you owe it to yourself, your marriage and your children to try and stop the separation and rebuild the relationship. Obviously it's much easier said than done but there are ways you can work on improving the dynamic between you and your partner so one day you can both enjoy the fulfilling, loving and committed marriage you really want.
Talking to your spouse is the number one thing on your to do list if you want to stop your divorce. Save your marriage experts will tell you that communication is the cornerstone for any couple who wants to give their relationship a second chance. The way you communicate is paramount to whether or not you'll be successful though. You and your spouse have to agree on some rules for communicating. You have to really listen to each other and you have to take what they say to heart. Instead of trying to always defend your own position, listen to one another. You'll learn a great deal about each other this way.

A separation may feel like the first step towards the end of the marriage, but it might actually be a step towards saving it. If you or your spouse feels strongly that a separation is in order, it may be worthwhile to try it. One thing that most people don't recognize about a marital separation is that a lot of good can come of it. When a couple is living together and there is ongoing conflict, resentment and frustration will always be there. When they take some time apart, as is the case with a separation, clarity often enters the picture. They start to consider whether the issue at hand is worth losing their family over and they also begin to really miss their partner.

Many couples who decide to move ahead with a separation find that it gives them time and space to really think about whether a divorce is the best option. In many cases, it's not. If you two come to a mutual agreement that some time apart is warranted, don't lose hope. It may be the saving grace of not only your marriage, but your family too.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Three Reasons Couples Break Up

Each and every day a couple calls it quits. Every day another relationship fails. Will yours be next? Or are you already the "next." Couples decide to go their separate ways because of many reasons. It could be a fight that never got resolved it could be the absolute refusal of one person to change.

One of the reasons we see couples breaking up is because of jealousy. You know what I am talking about. One phone call or a simple hello to someone of the opposite sex and all of a sudden your head is spinning with thoughts like "how does he or she know them?" or "have they slept together?" These sorts of thoughts are ridiculous, but they do pop up in our minds, more often than we would like to admit. The jealousy spills over and we have a hard time controlling it. Eventually it causes the untimely demise of a relationship that started off so promisingly.

Have you ever muttered or heard your partner say "I don't like any of your friends." This is a problem that unfortunately many encounter and is yet another reason why couples decide to break up. You or your partner has a dislike of the other's friends and it turns into a "me or them thing," when it really should not.

Get yourself The Magic of Making Up and never leave your Ex.  

Stop Break Up and Make Up
The Magic of Making Up.

The last reason I see couples breaking up is because of an issue that you cannot get past. If anything arises in the beginning of a relationship it should get taken care of or it could linger and cause a lot of trouble down the road. For example, you don't like the way your partner dresses and make little mention of it. Over time it consumes you to the point where you are getting angry at your partner for no reason. You end up lashing out in the wrong way and find yourself out on the street. Why? It was all because of one little issue that never got brought up.

Don't wait until its too late to take care of the problems in your relationship. However, if you are already broken up, there are still ways for you to get back together with your significant other. There are ways and help for you to make things right and correct what ever went wrong. You just need to be willing to work on things and admit what you did wrong in the relationship. Don't become another break up reason, take care of it today.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

How To Stop Your Divorce Before It's Too Late

How To Stop Your Divorce
Stop Your Divorce!
If you are the person who wanted to the divorce to begin with, learning how to stop your divorce may not be as difficult as you think. However, if you are the one who didn't want the divorce in the first place, stopping your divorce might prove to be difficult, but it still can be done. In this article I'm going to go over how to stop your divorce whether you are the one who decided to end it, or the one who did not want the divorce in the first place.

How To Stop Your Divorce Before It's Too Late

How To Stop Your Divorce When It Was Your Idea - If you are the one who made the decision to get a divorce, you are in a much better position to stop it from happening. It's still going to take some effort on your part, which will start with a heart felt apology to your spouse, even if it means swallowing your pride. You are going to need to explain to them that you weren't thinking clearly and that you acted out of anger. Explain to your spouse that you do not want to get divorced and that you never really wanted to in the first place. Let them know that is was done out of anger, it was wrong, and you regret it terribly.

This isn't going to be that easy, but is absolutely the first thing you must do if the divorce was your idea. And at this point, it's possible that your spouse is already starting to think that it's a good idea. Another thing you need to do if you want to know how to stop your divorce, is to find out exactly what your spouse thinks about the idea and make sure they know how wrong you were and how sorry you are. If your spouse hasn't had too much time to think about things and decide for his or her self that divorce is the best thing for the relationship, there is a pretty good chance that you can stop your divorce just by giving a heart felt apology and admitting you were wrong to even consider the idea.

How To Stop Your Divorce When You Aren't The One Who Didn't Want It In The First Place - If you are not the one who wanted the divorce in the first place and you are wondering how to stop your divorce, it's going to be a lot more difficult. At this point, I'm sure you have explained to your spouse over and over again that you feel the relationship is worth saving and you don't want the divorce. You have probably already done this more than once, but it's not just about what to say to your spouse, it's about how you say it that can make the difference.

The thought of your marriage ending in divorce is an emotional and painful thing to go through. And while it's not always easy to do in this situation (especially when it wasn't your idea to begin with), you have to try your hardest to remain calm. When you are explaining to your spouse that you don't want the divorce and you feel the marriage is worth saving, it's extremely important that you are not yelling or doing it in an hysterical manor. Being emotional and crying is one thing, but you cannot be yelling and screaming at your spouse accusing him or her of things, etc... This is often times what happens, and it is just going to give your spouse more reason to go through with the divorce.

If you want to know how to Stop Your Divorce and you aren't the one who wanted it to begin with, it's vital that you get your emotions under control before confronting your spouse. You will feel anger and resentment towards him or her, and you have every right to, but you must learn to let go of those feelings. Obviously if the thought of divorce was present in the marriage, there are some problems. 
You need to make a commitment to work on these problems, whatever they are.

Let your spouse know that you want to stop your divorce and that you realize there are some things that need to be worked on and you are willing to do what it takes to change things for the better. Often times you can suggest counseling, which can prove to be a big help. Just let your spouse know that you are aware that he or she was unhappy and that things are not going to go back to the way they were.

Monday, 1 September 2014

How to Stop a Divorce and Save Your Relationship - Solutions to Stop Divorce

Stop Divorce Now
Stop Divorce Now
Divorce is an agonizing issue and those involved usually feel like getting out of it as soon as possible. If you want to stop divorce, it is important that you can convince the other party to allow a second chance for the relationship to work again. Although this is not totally possible, it is still a critical step in stopping a divorce. The truth is, you can stop a divorce at any stage - The stage before it is filed or just before it requires the final paperwork. In fact, if you can stop a divorce as early as possible, you will be more likely to be able to save your relationship.

In order for you to stop a divorce, it is essential that you convince the other party to give the relationship another chance. However, I have to remind you to avoid begging or appearing desperate to the other person if you are trying to stop a divorce. Never plead for your significant other to get back together with you. If you are doing these right now, simply stop now! You may think that I am giving a wrong advice but think about it! Would him or her feel sorry for you just because you been begging for another chance? Do you think you can save your relationship simply by making the other party pity you? Not at all! If you are doing all these, you will only drive him or her further away from you and your plan to stop divorce will simply vanish! Instead of begging, you should convince him or her to save the relationship.

The one most important step that you should take right now is to be mature and behave in a more pleasant manner. Your spouse will definitely feel surprised by your maturity and will start to listen to what you have to say. If you finally get a chance to sit down and talk with him or her, explain firmly that you do not want the divorce and really desire to save your relationship. Avoid being needy or desperate infront of him or her. Just make it clear that you are feeling hurt and sad, and you would really want to get back with him or her again. By doing so, you will be surprised that his or her reactions to you will change and he or she will also appear more pleasant to you. This is because when he or she sees the difference in you, they will also want to change their attitude and behavior to have a good talk with you.

In addition, you can also show the mature side of yourself that your significant other has not see in the past. Being matured in the relationship will actually help to build trust in a relationship. When he or she is willing to sit down and have a good chat with you, you may want to suggest both of you to attend a marital or couples counseling to stop divorce. Statistics have shown that counseling does works magic for millions of couples and you will sure to benefit from it as well. If you succeed in getting him or her to agree to martial counseling, then you will stand a very good chance to stop divorce and save your relationship.

During the counseling, you can have the chance to show him or her why both of you fell in love with each other in the first place. By reminding him or her on why both of you are together initially, you are actually building love back to the person. If you can show your sincerity in wanting to reconcile a relationship, he or she will definitely want to see how the relationship can be saved. Another advice that I would want to give you is that, you need to convince the other person to stop divorce not only temporarily, but permanently.

If you managed to stop divorce and get back with your spouse, there is one thing that you have to keep in mind. You must understand that your significant other may file for a second divorce again if the relationship goes wrong again. This is because once the person had filed for a divorce with you again, it is always easy for them to change his or her mind and file for divorce later. Hence, you must be aware of this issue and perhaps try to make the couples counseling a long-term commitment. Remember this: It is always easy to stop a divorce but it is always not easy to maintain a relationship for the long-term.