Monday, 26 January 2015

4 Tips and Advice for Handling Infidelity

Handling infidelity in your marriage can be painful and devastating. Today's infidelity is a little different than it was years ago. Years ago it was assumed that the husband was the one who committed adultery if infidelity was uncovered. Today, women are just as likely to have an affair. Also, with the social networks and technology that exist today, folks are more likely to be tempted now than in the past. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc are a wonderful way to network and socialize but they can also act as a source of temptation.

There is no doubt a lot of pain, anger, shame, shock resentment and disappointment felt when infidelity is discovered. Despite all of the emotions involved, if couples receive the right guidance for handling infidelity, it is possible to put the marriage back together. Keeping your marriage on track is far more important especially if children are involved. This does not mean you should remain in an abusive relationship as being abused physically and emotionally can be very damaging to your self-confidence.

Whether you were the one who cheated or the one who was betrayed you are most likely feeling like you have lost something you both cherished very much. The bond and trust you have has been taken away from you. Although not as permanent some relate the effect of adultery as having lost a loved one. To some people, it’s a totally unforgivable act, while others would forgive if the cheater actually confesses and promises not to stray.

Tips For Handling Infidelity

Prepare Yourself

One of the best things you can do to deal with the infidelity is get yourself mentally ready for this difficult recovery process ahead. For some, this means taking positive steps to assure yourself that in the end you will be OK. Regardless of how things turn out, life will continue and you will do your best to live life to the fullest. Handling infidelity with the mindset that life hasn't ended because of the affair will help you get through this.

Expect Resistance

OK, what would most people do when confronted by their spouse about an affair? That's right, lie. The other tactics will be to avoid conversations about the matter or just try to overwhelm you by showing just how much they love you. I'm not excusing the infidelity or lying but it's probably what happens in most cases. If you know what to expect while handling infidelity you shouldn't be surprised by the lying and perhaps you won't be that angry.

Be Patient

Please keep in mind that you won't have all of the answers you want or need and recovering from infidelity takes time. You will have some good days and some pretty bad days. Your emotions will be up and down and just when you think you are making progress something or someone may get you off track. Don't make any rash decisions while handling infidelity because there is no need to. Give yourself the best chance of full recovery by using wisdom and if needed, getting good counsel.

Don’t Judge

 The moment you think your partner is having an affair, be slow to judgment but rather, keep your eyes and ears open to gather facts. Know where your suspicions come from and have a calm conversation with your partner.

Never accuse, just ask. Keep your composure and handle this situation with grace. Show him/her that you can listen to everything they have to say and that you deserve to know the truth. Expect for denials; one after another. Once you discover that an affair, don't expect them to immediately respond, "Oops, I guess you've already found out. Yes, you got it right!" Have patience with yourself and with the situation. Understand that you'll be going through a range of emotions. And don't expect to get all the answers to your questions right away.

Handling infidelity in your own marriage will be so tough but just remember that sometimes, even the tightest bonds are tested in time. Infidelity doesn't always mean that it's the end of your marriage. It may be a deal-breaker in a relationship but talk things over with your partner and see if there can still be a chance to make things right. Just think of it as a test, and if your spouse sincerely regrets it and wants to fix things with you, then it might really be worth a shot.

Article First Written by
D P Haynes 


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